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nick prescott raised £350 from 13 supporters
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Closed 01/09/2018
Iʼve raised £350 to Help homeless people in Swindon, and hopefully other UK towns and cities, to lead a better life. I'm starting local, but thinking bigger.
- Swindon, UK
- Funded on Saturday, 1st September 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
Homeless not Nameless
It's too easy to walk past homeless people and pretend we haven't seen them. Most likely we judge them, forming opinions on why or how they are there. The truth is, they don't choose to be there, who would? They are surviving, not living, yet they weren't born to it. Like you and I, they arrived in life, and were given a name. Yes, they are people too, with hopes, dreams and ambitions, just like us.
The aim of homeless not nameless is not to try and change the World, nor even try and transform lives, but crucially, to change attitudes towards homeless people and then anything is possible. I want to encourage people to see them as people, with names and potential.
I'm keeping things simple, and welcome your help. I am using my own money to get some bags produced, and then plan to fill them with things that may enhance the life of a homeless person. Food & water, a blanket, hand-wash and more, the simple things that we all take for granted yet would make a massive difference to someone in need. It doesn't have to be difficult, or expensive, £10 or £15 goes a long way in places like Poundland or other bargain shops. Any donations received will be invested in filling bags for homeless people and given to them in person.
The bags will be branded with our logo and a poem I wrote that hopefully moves you to action too. I'll be handing them out in Swindon to start with and asking who I help if they would like to write their name on the bags. It's important they value and maintain their identity, since that is the one thing that nobody can take away from them, it's literally all they own.
Maybe if people read the message on the bag and see who it belongs too they will change how they feel about that person, maybe help them too.
Thank you for reading. Nick
- 7 years ago
nick prescott
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 7 years ago
nick prescott
7 years agoHey, everyone thanks for all the kind support so far. Today we helped: Jason M, Paul & Baxter (dog), and a sleeping guy. If you could have seen what it meant to these guys and how much they appreciated it. Makes such a difference. I know a few people have had issues donating on JustGiving's website, please don't give up and share my page with your friends and colleagues. Every £1 helps. Keep you posted X
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- 7 years ago
nick prescott
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
nick prescott started crowdfunding
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dave caton
Jun 7, 2018
A noble cause worthy of both my financial and physical support. Hope the money gets raised in a timely manner, as like you say Nick - homelessness doesn't just exist at Christmas.
Ryan James
Jun 5, 2018
Good work Mr Prescott - I've done quite a bit of work with a young homelessness charity in Bristol. Happy to share my contacts and knowledge.
David Mayne
Jun 5, 2018
Great work Nick
May 21, 2018
Well done Nick on such a worthy cause. Nice to know someone cares xxx I hope you reach your target tooCarol Hearn
Charlie Thompson
May 21, 2018
What a wonderful cause - lovely idea.
Sarah Wells
May 10, 2018
Good Luck!
May 10, 2018
Fantastic work Nick, good luck mate :)
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