We did it!
HK Well raised £1,838 from 60 supporters
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Closed 31/03/2023
Iʼve raised £1,838 to offer mental health assessments to HK children and young people in Cantonese
- SW London, UK
- Funded on Friday, 31st March 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
"HK Well" is a newly formed voluntary-based group, aiming to respond to the emerging mental health issues among new Kong arrivals in the UK and provide therapeutic help for people in their native language, i.e. Cantonese.
All therapists/psychologists have had years of experience in their professional practices in Hong Kong, and in the UK. They are willing to offer their time and expertise to assist children and young people who are suffering from mental health issues caused by the social movement in the past years.
“Mental Health Matters” research has shown that as much as 39% of all primary and secondary students may be showing symptoms of mental health disorders. Youth suicidal rate has been increasing, yet very few actively seek mental health care. (Sept 2020)
No doubt, their stress, and mental health disorders are likely to be manifested when they move to and settle in a new country in recent months. A mum from Hong Kong who moved to the UK with her family of 4 last autumn shared with us that, her son who was 10 was spotted with PTSD behaviour by the school wellbeing officer.
Though we are in the process to apply for government funding, we will not charge fees at present. Therefore, your donation will be much appreciated to keep maintaining the voluntary based online pre-screening sessions in operation, thus reaching out to the wider and fast-growing Cantonese-speaking community in London and other cities.
Should you have any queries and would like to know more about our free services on mental wellbeing in Cantonese, please contact us on: wearehkwell@gmail.com
Updates appear here
HK Well started crowdfunding
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William Chan
Mar 15, 2023
Keep up the great work!
Mar 10, 2023
It's so lovely to see Hongkongers helping Hongkongers. Keep up the good work.
Feb 27, 2023
Feb 11, 2023
Really appreciated the great work, keep it up. Thank you
Rita Cheung
Feb 11, 2023
Thank you for the support.
Feb 11, 2023
Really appreciate the great works, keep going, thank you
Feb 11, 2023
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