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Highlands College raised £1,554 from 53 supporters
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Closed 03/05/2018
Iʼve raised £1,554 to help send 8 Highlands College students to Nepal to help a school community project that was devastated by the 2015 earthquake.
- Jersey, Channel Islands
- Funded on Thursday, 3rd May 2018
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This march, seven second year Highlands College Sport students will be embarking upon a community project in a small village in Nepal that was devastated by the 2015 earthquake.
Mikayla Byrne, Jazmyn Mauger, James Withers, Ross Limbrick, Sarah Pointon, Ty Petrovic, Joni Gorman and Kyle Corbin will spend 2 weeks executing their knowledge and skills by implementing a sport and English project at the Gyan Jyoti Higher Secondary School in the remote village of Lapsibot.
Working in conjunction with the Gurkha Welfare Trust Jersey, the students, along with three Highlands College staff members, will arrive in Nepal on Monday 12th March, where work will begin on further developing the school and community project which was funded by the Gurkha Welfare Trust Jersey and Jersey Overseas Aid.
While students are expected to raise their own funds, Highlands College is trying to raise £5,000 through this page, as well as through fundraising and awareness events, to subsidise the cost of the trip. The estimated cost for each student is £2,200, which includes flights to Jersey-London-Kathmandu-Pokhara, plus travel in Nepal, food and accommodation. Please dig deep and give anything you can to support our fantastic students in giving back to communities in need.
- 7 years ago
Highlands College
7 years agoThank you to Sarah Bailey from BBC Radio Jersey who came to Highlands College this morning to interview our students ahead of their trip to Nepal. You can listen to the interview on tomorrow morning's breakfast show (around 7:45am) to hear what they had to say! We'll also post a link here to listen-again once the interview has gone live.
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- 7 years ago
Highlands College
7 years agoAll day today our students will be bag packing at Co-Op Grand Marché to raise money towards the trip, so if you're shopping please let our friendly staff and students help you pack :-) Don't forget to ask them questions about their fundraising efforts - they'd love to chat to you about their upcoming trip! We're so thrilled to have reached the £1,000 mark on our page. A huge thank you to everyone who has donated so far. We have £4,000 to go until we reach our target, so please make sure to share this page with anyone who might be able to help!
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- 7 years ago
Highlands College
7 years agoOver the past ten days you've helped us raise a brilliant £660! Thank you to everyone who has generously donated to this fantastic cause - your support has been amazing. We still have some way to go in achieving our target of £5,000, so this Saturday our students and tutors will be doing a charity bag pack at Marks and Spencer in St. Clement, between 9am-2:30pm. We hope to see you there!
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Highlands College started crowdfunding
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Ross McLelland
Mar 19, 2018
Julia Le Feuvre
Mar 12, 2018
Good luck to all the team
James Quinn
Mar 11, 2018
What a great idea which will do some good and enrich the students! Enjoy yourself Ross
Clair Limbrick
Mar 9, 2018
Good luck everyone! Hope its amazing!
Mark Vincent
Mar 9, 2018
Michaela Thomson
Feb 27, 2018
Well done and good luck to all the team!
Louise O' Toole-Duff
Feb 22, 2018
Good Luck Ross
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Highlands College
Jersey, Channel Islands
Highlands College is the further, higher and adult education college of the States of Jersey. The mission of Highlands College is to provide lifelong learning opportunities, which enhance student achievement and bring personal and economic success.