We did it!
Cllr Michelle Thomas raised £500 from 10 supporters
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Closed 01/05/2023
Iʼve raised £500 to Covid catch up Henley State primary schools and Greener Henley Nature and Climate Hub
- Henley on Thames
- Funded on Monday, 1st May 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Covid catch up for schools has hit the national headlines. Just a one off payment of £50 per pupil. Researchers are just starting to uncover the long lasting effects of the pandemic on our children - parents and teachers already know. Your Mayor will not be setting any criteria on how the money is spent by each school - teachers are best placed to decide. If possible I would like to release money for the new academic year. Ambitious I know but let's see what we can do. Greener Henley are trying to establish a permanent home in Henley to share information on how we can all have a cleaner greener Henley. Lots of towns and cities are creating these but we'd like Henley to be one of the first. Let's bring together residents, schools businesses and organisations in our Climate and Nature Hub.
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Cllr Michelle Thomas started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Mar 16, 2023
Mar 14, 2023
Go Michelle!
Andre Perez
Jun 8, 2022
Excellent initiative! Congratulations on the appointment and best of luck!
Jun 7, 2022
Great initiatives!
Ken Arlett
Jun 1, 2022
Its a marathon not a sprint. Keep up the good work.
Brian Smith
May 25, 2022
Good cause - well done Mayor of Henley!
Eva D’Souza
May 21, 2022
Great causes, and a fantastic initiative and direction set by our Mayor. Thank you.
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