We did it!
Zoe Fuhr raised £6,646.03 from 100 supporters
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Closed 17/11/2016
Iʼve raised £6,646 to Help buy an Airway Clearance Vest Machine for our 2 children Faye and Alfie who suffer with Cystic Fibrosis.
- Funded on Thursday, 17th November 2016
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Hello, welcome to our page. We are Faye and Alfie. We are aged 4 and 3. We were born with Cystic Fibrosis. And have had to over come alot in a short space of time but we have been very brave with what we've had to deal with so far. Each day we take over 45 tablets each and do 2 lots of physio therapy to help boost our lungs and improve our health. Our life span isn't very high but our family are trying their hardest to make sure we life a long healthy life and are doing everything they can to make this a reality. Our page has been made so that we can have extra help with our physio by having a machine that will help jiggle about and clear the sticky mucus that we have sitting in our lungs. This machine we need is very expensive and costs £6400. But will help us massively. We will get to wear a vest that will vibrate our chests helping free up anything sitting inside our lungs. We would be really grateful for your support in helping us raise the money for our machine, no donation is too small. Thank you for taking the time to look at our page. Our family will be doing a lot of up coming fundraising events and will keep everyone updated on our page so please follow and share us as much as you can.
Lots of love
Faye and Alfie xx
Updates appear here
- 8 years ago
Zoe Fuhr
8 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Zoe Fuhr started crowdfunding
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Jacqueline Goodwin
Nov 12, 2016
sorry can't attend the medium fundraising night but wish you all the very best in raising as much money as possible to help make your precious children's life more comfortable. Donated & shared xx
Zoe Fuhr
Nov 7, 2016
Thank you to the church in Heybridge for your generous donation.
David Randall Foundation
Nov 4, 2016
We saw you story in the Maldon and Burnham and wanted to help. The Trustees of our charity have agreed to ensure that you reach your final total. Best wishes from all at the David Randall Foundation.
Nov 2, 2016
Good luck
Zoe Fuhr
Nov 1, 2016
Thank you so much Kelly, Adam and baby Ryan xxx
Zoe Fuhr
Nov 1, 2016
Thanks ever so much Keith xxx
James Spence
Oct 31, 2016
A Donation from the customers of Classic Dry Cleaners Maldon organized by Gill and Dean.
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
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