We did it!
Sandra McCullough raised £23,450 from 595 supporters
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Closed 26/05/2018
Iʼve raised £23,450 to pay for Ross Davidson's Medical bills shortfall and his Rehab when he is well enough, after his terrible motorbike accident in Thailand.
- Carrickfergus, United Kingdom
- Funded on Saturday, 26th May 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
Can anyone help please? My son Ross Andrew Davidson is lying in ICU in a hospital in Thailand. He had a motorbike accident on Friday and has had 3 operations already on a badly damaged leg. His surgeon told us this morning he may have to still amputate above the knee. Tomorrow is the crucial day. .He was insured by Backpackers aInSundance and Barclays Travel Insurance both refusing to pay out. After Andrew wrote this he and Desna flew to Bangkok . On arrival they learned the devastating news that Ross had to have his right leg amputated above the knee due to infection. Barclays said as goodwill gesture they were willing pay some of medical bills . The justgiving page is to raise the shortfall on the rest of the bills and his rehabilitation .
Morning Team Rossi NI!
Ross is HOME!!! Got him home yesterday. Still can't believe it!!!
He had a great first night at home being reunited with his wee kitten Sabrina and enjoying a roast chicken dinner!
He then watched movies with Matthew and two friends called to see him.
Something we thought we wouldn't see for another few months when Ross was so ill in Bangkok.
Just had a wee look in at him there. He's still sleeping and looks really cozy in his 'new bedroom.'
A local family business in Carrick...TJ's Warehouse...donated a beautiful bed for him. Their supplier donated a matching headboard....we are overwhelmed by the ongoing generosity of everyone...some of whom are complete strangers.
Ross had his wound redressed yesterday before he was discharged and it really is shrinking before our eyes. No one can believe the speed at which it is healing.
He will now have his VAC changed at home by district nurses until it heals completely.
He already has an appointment in middle Feb to start rehab in Musgrave and met some of the team last week.
Mr Lau, his lovely vascular consultant, is reviewing him as an outpatient on Mon.
Andrew and I cannot thank the fantastic staff in 6A RVH for the amazing care and support Ross received.
The medical and nursing staff work so hard under the never ending pressure of staff shortages and the current winter crisis.
Our government seriously need to invest whatever it takes to retain our highly trained staff and ensure the NHS is their top priority. Nothing is more important than our health.
Andrew and I have received some lovely messages saying how much everyone is enjoying reading the updates on Ross progress on the just giving page.
I would love to keep you all updated on Ross progress as without you all this experience would have been so much more difficult and stressful for all of Ross family.
We will never forget your messages of support, donations and prayers for Ross.
Love from Team Rossi now ALL at home in Carrickfergus! Xo 💖💙💙
Evening Team Rossi NI!
Ross doing absolutely fantastic! He's like a different child than the one we brought home from Bangkok less than a week ago.
His wound has healed so much in a week......its nothing short of a miracle! Andrew & I have just been comparing the photos we have from Bangkok to the ones taken today.
He is still getting IV antibiotics but we are hoping that will finish tomorrow and then his cannula can come out & that will be the end of 6 wks of drips, drains and catheters!
He still has the VAC insitu and its obviously working brilliantly with the speed of wound healing he's having.
Ross has nothing but praise for the nursing & medical team in the RVH who are doing a fantastic job looking after him.
Also his OT and Physio who are giving him the confidence & practical skills to be independant again.
He was visited by the amputee team from Musgrave Park Hospital yesterday and again we have nothing but praise for this team & the services Ross has & will be offered from our NHS.
Thank you all for keeping in touch with us & asking for updates on Ross. Your wee messages, prayers & support for Ross & ourselves continue to give us a great boost everyday.
We will never be able to properly thank everyone for everything they have done & continue to do for Ross & his family.
You are all truly amazing. Love to all.
Andrew, Desna & Ross xo 💖💙💙
Evening Team Rossi NI!!!
Ross has had a great weekend! He now only has a cannula in for his IV antibiotics. Everything else has been removed!
Its like looking at a different person! He is on very little medication and his pain is minimal.
They havent had to take him back to theatre as the VAC is doing the debridement now and all going according to plan. We can see already how much his wound has closed over.
On Friday the OT & physio had him out of bed and transferring to a wheelchair with the help of a banana board. He loved it! First time out of bed in 5 weeks! He was practising reversing round his room!
He can now wash himself in the bathroom im his room which is giving him back some dignity & independance.
They told him today if all continues to improve, they will consider letting him home with the VAC. He's chuffed to bits! Im over the moon!
So all good news everyone from the RVH tonight. This is indeed an answer to prayer. 🙏
Thank u all so much again for your love, support & prayers for Ross. You are all amazing.
Love from Andrew Desna & Ross xo 💖💙💙
Evening Team Rossi NI!
Ross still very jetlagged and didnt sleep well last night. He was exhausted this morning.
He was seen by the Tissue Viability Nurse today & doesnt need to go to theatre at the minute as they are able to debride it with the VAC for now.
A new VACs being applied tomorrow on the ward. Would be great if he got a break from going to theatre for a while.
He was seen by his physio & OT today & they helped him get out of bed for first time in 5 weeks!
He was then in a wheelchair for a while & managed it really well. He was chuffed at geting out of bed and being mobile.
Visiting is restricted at the minute because of his wound infection to family only and two vistors at a time.
He has only been fit to see Andrew & I past two days but hopefully this will change once he's well rested and feeling stronger.
If you dont mind i was going to keep you all updated every couple of days as so many people have told us they look forward to reading about how Ross is doing.
Its so lovely being home again and seeing our friends & family again. We couldnt have done this without all the support we have received.
Thank you all.
Andrew Desna & Ross 💖💙💙 now back in NI!!!
Home from RVH. Ross very settled when we left. Think he's very jetlagged. ? For theatre 2moro for wound inspection & debridement. Will keep u all posted. Strange seeing him in an ordinary ward after nearly 5 weeks in ICU. But he needs normality. !.! Lv all & cant thank u enough. Xo 💖💙💙
In RVH now. Just spoke to Mr Lau. He's lovely. Care all planned & queue of people here to c him atm. Gr8 to get him here! Thank u all so much everyone for all ur help & support over past month. U have all bin amazing! Xo
Morning Team Rossi NI!
All good for going home! The pilot & Dr from the air ambulance have been in to see Ross.
We have been given his discharge report & Ross has official signed himself out of the Bangkok Hospital tomorrow morning.
I am starting to feel a bit anxious about it all but also excited about getting Ross home.
It just such a long journey for Ross without us. 😓 he is absolutely fine about its but just me wanting to be with him.
He has been giving out gifts today to the staff in ICU 5 where he has been looked after since 16th Dec. To say they are amazing is an understatement. We will never be able to thank them for the outstanding care Ross has received. It has truly been second to none.
Ross flight leaves at 9 am. Andrew & I leave from a different airport at 11.15 am. Ross has a 21 hour flight ahead of him including 4 stops.
We are flying directly from Bangkok to London with no stops so we should be home before Ross. Our flight to Belfast leaves Heathrow at 18.45.
So tomorrow begins another chapter in Ross recovery. He has came such a long way since 8th Dec. 3 hospitals, 13 ops and over 50 blood transfusions. 😓 he was ventilated for most of the first week in the hospital in Chiang Mai and spent the whole day in theatre on 9th Dec. 😓
He still has to have further surgery twice weekly in RVH until his wound infection has cleared & they can finally close it.
When this is complete, he will then go to Musgrave Park Hospital for rehabilitation as an in-patient. He is looking forward to that already!
Although this experience has been every parents worst nitemare, we have been truly overwhelmed by the support Andrew, Ross & I have had while here in Thailand and also the support Jordan & Matthew have had at home.
We will never be able to thank everyone at home and the people we have met in Thailand for the love & support they have shown us since Ross accident.
We have made so many new friends from this experience, some who barely speak English!, but who have supported us in so many ways.
This is my last message from BKK but I will keep you all updated on Ross progress when we get home.
We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.
Love from Team Rossi BKK xo 💖💙💙
This is probably my last update on Facebook from Bangkok about Ross Andrew Davidson. He has been assessed now today and passed fit to fly home tomorrow morning. The Air Ambulance will leave Bangkok at 9am local time. Desna Davidson and I will leave on a commercial flight at 11.15am and are scheduled to land in Belfast at 8.20pm GMT. The AA is too small to take us. Ross is fine with this. He will arrive around 12 midnight at RVH and we will meet him there. Its been a long 4 weeks for Ross but he has another longer journey now to get fit and then learn to use a new prosthetic leg. He is looking forward to this next challenge with so much positivity and we have no worries that his life will be worse because of this accident. He has just changed direction but still is going forward. Cant wait to get home now and share this new adventure with Ross. Its always exciting in Ross' world.......lol.
Afternoon Team Rossi NI!
Ross had another good nights sleep! In great form earlier. He spoke to Matthew on the phone so that cheered both of them up!
We are all now waiting for Wed morning to fly home! Our flights are now booked with British Airways thanks to our neighbours brother. We are very grateful to them both.
Ross leaves just before us on Wed morning and we should be home about 2 hrs before him. His flight is 21 hrs including 4 stops. But the time diffetence of 7 hrs will make it seem shorter once we are home.
We cant wait to be back in Northern Ireland. Its been a month today since Ross accident. Our family & friends at home are saying it seems so much longer to them.
2 more sleeps and our journey home to all our amazing family & friends who have done so much for us.
Cant wait to see you all!
Nite nite from Team Rossi BKK xo 💖💙💙
Morning Team Rossi NI!
Ross slept like a log last night! Didnt have his breakfast until 11am so he's well rested.
His whole medical team came in this morning to assess him for flying home. Drs everywhere! They have signed him off as fit to fly!!!
Originally he was to leave here on Tues morning but due to illness with the medical team transporting him, its now Wednesday morning. Its no big deal and people cant help being sick.....even Drs & nurses!
Unfortunately neither Andrew nor I can fly with him. Theres limited space on plane due to medical equipment etc & not even a toilet! Its a 21 hr flight including 4 stops.
A friend & neighbour of ours has asked his brother who works for BA to sort flights for Andrew & myself as they do a direct flight from Bangkok on Wed morning to London. He is sorting it for us as we speak. Cant thank him enough. People are amazing.
So hopefully that means we will be home before Ross & can meet him when he arrives at the RVH late on Wed night/early Thurs morning.
We all cant wait! It will be gr8 for Ross to see other faces rather than just mine & his Dad's lol!
He is still not a well wee boy and has a long way to go but getting home should help him & speed up wound healing hopefully too.
He is now on a special high protein diet to get him fit & well for the journey home. No wonder the hospital food here is called 'Culinary Care.' It really is something else!
I will keep you all posted over the next 2 days of r final flight arrangements etc.
Please keep praying that it all goes smoothly and that Ross stays strong for the long journey home.
Lv to u all at home supporting Ross & following his story.
From Team Rossi BKK xo 💖💙💙
Afternoon Team Rossi NI!
Ross out of theatre about an hour ago. All went well. We spoke to his surgeon afterwards & he's happy for him to fly home. Anaethetist also spoke to us. All good for going home!
Saw pics of his wound & its still open in the middle. Bout size of a saucer. So a lot of healing still needed b4 he will start any rehab dear love him. No wonder he's so sore. 😓
He's sleeping soundly since the surgery so hopefully thats him til 2moro. Its 21.12 here atm.
His surgeon & anaethetist mentioned a medical team coming 2moro to assess him to fly home but no-ones informed us bout this yet from Cega. Will keep u posted once we know.
But all going in the right direction. If Ross still stable tomorrow they will confirm with us bout flight home etc.
Getin excited now bout going home! Nervous too but he will be in good hands.
Lv to u all from Team Rossi BBK xo 💖💙💙
Morning Team Rossi NI!
We are over our target!!! Cant believe it. Thank you all so so much. How amazing is that!
Than you so much Sandra for starting & managing it for us. It has made our situation so much easier to cope with & less stressful that it could have been.
Ross a lot brighter today. Great to see him 'normal' after 4 days of being confused & disorientated because of the strong meds he's on.
He is for theatre tomorrow again at 8am. Number 13. 😓 his surgeon here....Mr Wasupong......has recommended to Mr Lau in RVH that he suggests debridement continues twice a week when he gets to RVH.
The VAC drain is still insitu & is doing a great job. So all going well. As long as he's stable after theatre tomorrow he will start the journey home on Tuesday!
I will update you all again tomorrow.
Keep Ross in your thoughts & prayers that he continues to be stable enough to fly home on Tuesday.
Still cant believe the amount of support we have received from all over the world. People are truly amazing!
Lv 2 all. Team Rossi BKK xo 💖💙💙
Afternoon Team Rossi NI!
Great news! Ross is coming home! Air ambulance team coming from Austria on Tuesday!
The UK does not have an air ambulance team for repatriation. We are over the moon!
Its all in early stages of planning & will depend on how he is after surgery on Sat morning but hopefully that will go smoothly.
I have just spoken to Dr Sam in Cega the medical assistance team. Shes followed Ross case the whole way through.
We have already contacted a vascular surgeon in the RVH, Mr Lau, & him & his secretary have been brilliant. He's got all Ross medical notes and has been emailing the hospital directly.
When the medical team from Cega contacted the RVH they were trying to pass Ross off as an orthopaedic patient. Not vascular. We were straight onto Dr Sam as Andrew & I weren't having that.
But by then Mr Lau had already accepted him as his patient. Thank goodness.
Dr Sam says this happens to them all the time when approaching hospitals.
Poor Ross wd have got to RVH & orthopedics wd have refused to take him coz he's a vascular patient & then a whole pantomine wd start. Typical of NHS.
Thankfully we started yesterday to sort it and were ahead of the game. Its ridiculous. Dear lv anyone who has no medical knowledge. It wd b a nitemare.
Hope this news cheers u all up! Ross is a lot brighter today & cant wait to come home! He's bin very drowsy with meds for 3 days. And very confused & disorientated. Meds all adjusted again.
Cant believe the amount thats been raised! Its overwhelming. We are so so grateful to every single person who has supported us in all sorts of ways.
And esp u all Team Rossi NI! Your the best..lv 2 all xx
Team Rossi BKK xo 💖💙💙
Hello Team Rossi NI!
Ross is good. Slept well. He's a bit over-medicated past 2 days but not in any pain. Anaethetist has cut back his meds. Just tryin to get a balance between being painfree and not being drowsy.
He has NO FEVER & his bloods are all good. No more transfusions needed at the minute.
We have started putting plans together with his medical team to get Ross home. Cant believe we are even saying the word 'home!'
It will take a bit of planning, but as soon as we know when its happening, we will let u all know.
He will be going to the RVH and they Musgrave for rehab. Will be great to get him home & onto the next stage in his recovery.
His surgeon is waiting to hear from medical transfer team before his next debridement. Possibly on Friday. His VAC drain is working well on the area thats still open on his leg.
I will update u all again 2moro.
Lv all & thank u all again for your messages of support, prayers & fundraising for Ross.
Lv from Team Rossi BKK xo 💖💙💙
Morning Team Rossi NI!
Ross in theatre for an hour. All good! Andrew spoke to his surgeon Mr Wasupong after the op & he showed him pics of wound. Its closed at either end & VAC dressing in the middle where its still open.
For theatre again on Thurs....number 13 😓
Still working on his pain control meds. But he's getin there.
Jess back with us 2day! He will b glad to c her again! Shes updating us bout her travels! We r glad to have her back with us too. Shes amazing! 😊
Going to see Ross again shortly. Visiting starts again from 5pm til 10pm. 10am til 2pm earlier.
Will message u again 2moro.
Lv 2 allam Rossi BKK xo 💖💙💙
Morning Team Rossi NI!
We stayed with Ross until 12.45 am last night! Saw some fireworks from his window! He was in gr8 form!
He slept gr8 last night and pain under control. His bloods r all good this morning & NO FEVER!
He has no IVs running now except antibiotics. A big improvement from 7 IV lines and blood transfusion running 2 wks ago! 😊
He's for theatre 2moro at 11am & will b in surgery for 1 hr. This is surgery number 13. 😓 but all going in the right direction. 😊
Hope u all had gr8 New Year's Eve. You all deserve it!
Lv 2 al Team Rossi BBK 💖💙💙 XO
Morning Team Rossi NI!!!
Ross had great nights sleep! We left him at 9pm and he slept from then until this morning.
His blood results have dropped a little since surgery & because of vaccum drain but they transfused him again today.
His pain is well controlled & he is asking for meds for breakthrough pain as soon as he feels it starting.
He is having a lot of phantom limb pain & is joking about it! Its very real to him & is a challenge to Drs to get his pain meds right. But he's getting there.
He is for debridement in theatre again on Tues. This will continue until they are happy the wound is healing well & is infection free.
It will be New Year here in 5.5 hrs! Just wanting to wish all our friends and family and those of you we dont know but who are also supporting Ross, a very happy healthy and peaceful 2018.
Lv u all so much. You will all be forever in our hearts. Xo
Lv from Team Rossi BKK 💖💙💙
Morning Team Rossi NI!!!
Ross good overnight. Just having episodes of bad pain. 😓 Drs sorting it for him. He was i tears earlier tryin to cope with it. 😓 His surgery tomorrow is at 6.30am. He cant wait dear lv him. After that they are attaching a VAC machine....VACCUUM ASSISTED CLOSURE. So that shd stop him having debridement in theatre. They r used a lot in community so it means he can go home with it too if needs be. We r delighted for him if it means no more surgery. Just hoping all goes according to plan 2moro for him. 🙏 he really needs a break from surgery & the pain its causing.
Its now 3 wks from Ross accident & 2 wks since we arrived. Its 2 weeks 2moro since we arrived at the Bangkok hospital. We are so grateful for all the amazing work the hospitals here have done for Ross. U cldnt pay these people enough.
His blood count only dropped very slighty post-op so thats gr8 news....also NO FEVER! They Drs r hapi his surgery went well yesterday. Its been a difficult week for Ross from the bleed last Saturday.
Couldnt do it without all ur support i NI!
Lv 2 all. Team Rossi BKK 💖💙💙
Hello Team Rossi NI!
Ross out of theatre & all good! Was in for just 1 hr 30 mins. Spoke to anaethetist & all went well! He's going bk to theatre again on Sat morning. He is off oxygen & morphine! On other meds for nerve pain . Morphine no good for that type of pain. Gr8 to c things being discontinued from around his bed! At one time he had 7 ivs running & blood. 😓 another friend from Pai has arrived to c him! Maya. She is abs lovely. 😊 its gr8 for his moral seeing all these friends. Will update u all again 2moro.
Lv from Team Rossi BKK xo 💖💙💙
Morning Team Rossi NI! All good here! Slept gr8 in our new hotel beside hospital. We r literally just over the wall from Ross. No more taxis!
We were in with Ross this morning. He was in gr8 form. Ive never known anybody so keen to have surgery....he just wants to move on to the stage after tge set back last Sat. His bloods & obs r all good today. NO FEVER! He is going to theatre again at 5pm so we will go over at 4pm & wait outside theatre until he comes out again. We now know almost every floor in this hospital as well as every soft seat! Keep him in ur thoats & prayers as he goes to theatre for his 10th op. 😓 Gr8 to see him looking on his phone with his Dad for the new leg he hopes to get. Andrew has so many new apps on his phone about amputees and prosthetics lol! Its keeping him quiey & out of mischief lol!
I will update u all l8er after his op.
Team Rossi BKK 💖💙💙 xo
Ross sore today. His wound dressing takes a lot out of him. 😓 we let him sleep all afternoon as he tries to stay awake if we're there. NO FEVER! And his bloods are improving big style! Hopefully surgery 2moro doesnt put him back. They r tryin him off the oxygen too from last night & he's doing well without it. He cant wait til 2moro. He can c his wound during dressing change & its upsetting him. 😓 its not stitched atm. 😓 but all going in right direction. We were also sorting extending r visas so did that earlier too. Dont want any delays once we r ready for home.
Lv u all Team Rossi BKK!!! 💖💙💙
Jackie I think Desna sen
Desna and I moved hotels today. We were about 2 miles from the hospital and a couple if times the taxi ride was 30-40mins. It was a nice hotel but very busy and totally full for new year. We are now 300 yards from the hospital lobby front door. Even so the hotel take you to the hospital in a golf cart.....lol. It means no taxis 4 times/day and we can come and go anytime we want. Ross was moved yesterday into a better room in ICU with a window. First time he has seen the sky in 2 weeks. Loving it. Bloods up to 35 today but still has some pain. Very sleepy today as they upped his pain medication. I'll update you all more when we see him later today.
Happy Boxing Day Team Rossi NI!!!
We got great news today....Ross anaemia is improving really quickly....its now more than double wot it was when we arrived at the Bangkok Hospital! Also the infection has decreased greatly from his wound and he is starting on some oral antibiotics. His bloods in general are almost normal. I was over the moon this morning! He has been seen today by his surgeon, anaethetist, fever Dr and haematologist. U couldnt fault this system. Its amazing!
The staff moved Ross to a room with a window so he is really chuffed as it was difficult for him not knowing if it was night or day.
He logged into my Netflicks account so is watching bits n pieces on his phone. Its gr8 to see him being 'normal' even if its just for an hour a day.
He's coping really well with pain & sleeping & eating great! Loves his grub as u all know!
Lv from Team Rossi BKK! Xo 💖💙💙
Merry Christmas
Ross had a good night. Slept really well. His two friends he met over here stayed with him until 11pm. They have been amazing! Think he's glad of younger company every now and again! His surgeon and haematologist both saw him this morning....great news....his anaemia is improving....its almost double the reading it was when we arrived at the Bangkok Hospital. We are so happy with that news! His wound with require further debridement, shaping and suturing. Possible on Thurs. The bleed on Sat has prob set him back a week but it could be a lot worse. He has NO FEVER so although there will be infection in his wound, its not causing any other problems.
He is one amazing wee boy and has yet to complain.....except he really wants a cup of coffee! No caffeine allowed in ICU as per his nutrition Dr.
You all have a great Christmas Day! Hope Santa was good to you all. We are just so happy to be spending it with Ross. Nothing else matters.
. Xo 💖💙💙
Wee update on Ross to everyone at home on Christmas Eve......
He's now had surgery 9 times. Had bleed in wound yesterday during dressing change so taken to theatre last night & again this morning. But all good now. His temperature and obs are all good so hopefully that was just a wee blip. He was still very anaemic so thats wots been causing it. He has had over 40 blood transfusions in 2 weeks 😓
I was just sayin to Andrew earlier he hadnt complained once the wee pet. He is so brave & strong. We r so proud of him. He's a wee trouper!
Thank you all for your messages of support, prayers and fundraising for Ross. Its been over whelming and has kept Andrew & I sane in the middle of all the worry & stress. We thank you all from bottom of r hearts.
You all have a great Christmas and I'll update you all soon.
Lv from Andrew Desna & Ross. Xo 💖💙💙
UPDATE 24/17
Since yesterdays update Ross has had to go bk to theatre twice. Dont panic he's grand. There wss some bleeding in muscle in his wound so they took him to theatre for 8th time yesterday & back for debridement this morning at 10.30 am for debridement. He is honestly grand so dont be worryin. That wasnt helpin his anaemia as it had dropped again yesterday. Just a wee setback. They said there was also a bit of infection but he's had NO FEVER so happy days! Obs all gr8. He may have to have debridement again but its no big deal. Love Andrew Desna and Ross.❤
UPDATE 22/17
Good morning Team Rossi NI!!!
All good with Ross overnight. NO FEVER and anaemia IMPROVING!!! We were cheering!!! So so grateful. He is having some problems with neuropathic pain (nerve pain) but has been seen by pain consultant last night and his anaesthetist today & they are adjusting his medication. Nothing is a problem in this hospital. It truly is a Centre of Excellence!!! We are so thankful he is in their care. Even the catering is called 'Culinary Care!'
He has now started having physio twice a day and is enjoying it. All in an ICU bed!!! Love Desna Andrew and Ross❤
All good today with Ross. Just been visiting him. NO FEVER! The nurses are amazing. We dont even have to ask for information....they just want to constantly reassure us & tell us he is doing well. My kinda nurses lol! It must be highlighted in his notes that im a nurse because they all know before I even mention it! 😉
He fed himself today for the 1st time and i got my 1st proper hug from him so thats made my day! Best hug ever!
He is sleeping great and not having any more nitemares.
Anaemia still a problem but being transfused with blood so he will get there. We will be in Thailand 1 week 2moro and his accident was 2 weeks ago 2moro. So he has came a long way. He is a bit to go yet but we are taking it a day at a time & are encouraging Ross to do the same.
He is already making big & exciting plans for the future & is dealing with things so maturely. We are so so proud of him. He has amazing courage & strength. But sure u all knew he would be like that! Couldnt do it without youl. . 💖💙💙
! All good today. No fever and all other obs stable. His wee voice sounds stronger too. He's weak as water but eating & drinking really well. He loves the fruit platters & has bin ordering xtra. He's no dozer lol! They r still working on the anaemia and we will check when we go bk to c if its improved. He'd lost so much blood between the accident & 7 surgeries that its to b expected. We say pics of his wound today & its looking gr8. They have started shaping his leg in preparation for his bionic one. Andrews bin up to the rehab ward & spoke to the manager. He's researched loads of artifical limbs & showed Ross pics 2day. He's honestly brilliant bout looking at his leg etc. He's had really bad dreams but on meds for that now too. His 5 consultants r all amazing. Fundraising is amazing guys. Its taken so much pressure off us & letin us concentrate on Ross. Couldnt do all this without u all. Love u all. Andrew Desna & 💖💙💙
No fever! Was back in theatre at 10.30 am. All went well. Surgeon now happy he has sourced the bleed in his leg/groin that was causing the anaemia. He has spoken to Ross but not us yet. He is doing gr8....just groggy with morphine & anaesthetic. Its now 7th operation he has had 😓 he is eating his dinner atm so that says it all! Obs all stable. He was seen by Haematologist b4 surgery coz of anaemia. Thats 5 Consultants he has now! They r all happy he is heading in right direction & how well he is doing.xx
Hello to everyone out there supporting Ross Andrew Davidson and his family and friends. We are all amazed and overwhelmed with the messages of support and offers of help for Ross. These are from all over the world but especially from back home. The fundraising effort is just incredible and Desna and I are so grateful for this as Ross will benefit so much from this in the days, weeks and months ahead.
Ross had surgery on sunday to remove a lot of infection on his leg and the surgeon explained to us that he cut another 10cm of bone as well which was necessary. His CT scan yesterday was good as he had a small bleed on his brain which has reduced steadily over 10 days now. His neurosurgeon spoke to me about this yesterday and showed me the scan. He said there are no worries with this now and no need to operate or drain it.
Ross has a lot of superficial injuries like cuts and abrasions but typical Ross, they have all healed very well and not one has been infected. Amazingly not one of his tattoos has been touched......again so typical of Ross.
I know that Ross is so so thankful for every bit of support in all its different guises, and he says he will thank every single person when he has the chance. At the minute though his focus remains on getting stronger every day now and getting home to see everyone. Thank you so very very much everyone from Desna and I and the rest of our family. We will keep you all posted in the days ahead but Ross is going in the right direction thanks to your prayers.
Desna and I would like to thank everyone for their continued support, kind words of love for Ross Andrew Davidson and ongoing financial support which is coming from different avenues like personal donations and the Justgiving page. Sandra McCullough is an absolute star and Ross will really need all of the money raised. We arrived in Chiang Mai at 6am local time (11pm back home). Ross unfortunately had just come out of theatre and has had an above knee amputation on his right leg. He is still in ICU and has a long recovery ahead of him. He still has infections and will need additional surgery. If he keeps improving over the next few days we will move him to another hospital to help with his recovery. One of his insurance companies are helping us as "a goodwill gesture" and for this we are very grateful. Unfortunately the other company has not even bothered to contact us since tuesday. We still need to get Ross home when he is fit to do so and it would be great to keep the fundraising going for this alone. Please keep sharing his story and keep him in your thoughts and prayers. You have all been amazing. Love, Andrew, Desna and Ross.
7 years ago
Sandra McCullough
7 years agoFrom Desna Thanks so much everyone for your lovely messages xo
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7 years ago
Sandra McCullough
7 years agoUpdate from Desna on update on Ross page.
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7 years ago
Sandra McCullough
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Sandra McCullough started crowdfunding
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Brent Stockman
May 10, 2018
All the best Ross & Family, great to see your slowly but surely getting there. Incredible.
Elizabeth Halliday
Mar 28, 2018
Catherine Mckee
Mar 26, 2018
Been meaning to do this for ages. Hope you reach the target xx
Mar 11, 2018
Bonnie Nygaire
Mar 11, 2018
i wish there was more I could do. All the best Ross xx
Jordan Ballentine
Mar 3, 2018
Been thinking of you guys a lot during this time!Love you all, Jordan
Feb 25, 2018
Speedy Recovery Ross!You have a fabulous family behind you.Marty, Joan McNeill & Family.
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Sandra McCullough
Carrickfergus, United Kingdom
Ross had a motorbike accident in Thailand. He is very ill. Yesterday Ross had to have his right leg amputated above the knee. 1 insurance has said they will pay some as goodwill gesture after refusing to pay at all. we need to keep going to pay for his road to recovery..