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Bint Cumar raised £2,346 from 107 supporters
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Closed 12/05/2017
Iʼve raised £2,346 to to help my mum have a life changing treatment to beat breast cancer
- London, United Kingdom
- Funded on Friday, 12th May 2017
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Assalamu aleykum warahmatulahi wa barakatuh
May peace and blessings of Allah be upon you all.
I’m raising money for my mother to be able to go to a private clinic in Germany “Klinik Marinus” for natural treatments for breast cancer. They offer Local Hyperthermia treatments combined with hormone therapy plus a whole range of immune boosting treatments like Ozone therapy, iv infusions of Vitamin C, Selenium, Gluthathione, Artemisin and bio magnetic therapys. She was guided to this clinic by her friend who had amazing results. The cost of the clinic varies about £5,000 a week. http://www.klinik-marinus.com/
My mum was diagnosed in August 2014 with breast cancer stage 2 invasive lobular carcinoma and had a lumpectomy. After one year, she had a recurrence and the doctors offered my mum chemotherapy and mastectomy however after thorough research and dua (prayers) she decided to treat herself through a holistic way. Diet, nutrition, homeopathy, many different protocols and herbs play a huge part in my mother’s life which is also highly expensive and takes hard work, motivation and determination.
Those who know my mum, know that she is a caring, giving and a loving woman that has spent most of her life supporting and helping others and putting them first. She has always been there for our family, me and my brothers however now it is time for her to put her health first and we as a family are helping her and support her to beat her frightening journey of cancer. We are proud to see how far my mum is going and to see her deal with this stressful situation has made me realise that she is so strong and she’s a role model to me and my brothers but most importantly she is my best friend and I can’t imagine life without her.
I ask you all kindly to support my mum by donating and sharing this page in shaa Allah. Jazakumullahu khayran for all your support, kind words and duas. May Allah bless and reward you all immensely.
- 8 years ago
Bint Cumar
8 years agoJazakumullahu khayr to all those who have donated and made lovely duas. My mum is very thankful, prays for you all and is amazed at the help and generous donations she has gotten alhamdulilah. In sha Allah my mum is planning on going to the clinic very soon, will keep you all updated. Jamilah.
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May 12, 2017
May 12, 2017
May Allah give you shifa.Ameen
Anna Flisnik
May 12, 2017
In shaa Allah With the help of Allah swt Sister, you will manage to overcome your opponent, I am with you with all my heart, Fight my darling Fight!
May 11, 2017
May Allah grant your mother shifah and you all sabr... And forgive you for all your sins and grant you and us all the best of this life and the next.
May 11, 2017
May 11, 2017
Maura Pomponio
May 11, 2017
Assalamu alaykum sister,I'm very sorry for your mum and I pray that Allah may bless her with shifa and give you and your family the sabr you need.Love,Maura
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