We did it!
Desire2Dance Crawley raised £1,805 from 111 supporters
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Closed 25/09/2019
Iʼve raised £1,805 to help raise funds for Katie, Damien and Luna who have lost everything in the fire of Ye Olde Six Bells Pub, Horley (their home)
- Funded on Wednesday, 25th September 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
One of the families at Desire2Dance has lost everything they own in the fire of Ye Olde Six Bells, Horley which was their home. Please give as much/little as you can to help this family at this awful time and to help them start again.
- 6 years ago
Desire2Dance Crawley
6 years agoThank you for everyones kind donations so far! The family appreciate everything they are being offered/donated. We have already collected a boot full of items for this family including a duvet, some toys for the little girl, clothes for the little girl, and a couple of items for the Mum and her partner. If anyone else has any items to donate we are looking at the following sizes: - ladies size 16 clothes&size 6 shoes - mens size M clothes&size 10 shoes - girls age 3-4 years clothes&size 9 shoes -toys for an 3 year old, who loves paw patrol
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Desire2Dance Crawley started crowdfunding
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Jun 7, 2019
Carina Howard
Jun 7, 2019
Jun 4, 2019
Alison Martin
Jun 2, 2019
Thinking of you all x
Linden Proud
Jun 2, 2019
Jun 1, 2019
Hope everything will be fine
Suzanne Martin
Jun 1, 2019
I know it's not much just samething to help you much love xx
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