We did it!
Len Chappell raised £1,185 from 46 supporters
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Closed 09/08/2021
Iʼve raised £1,185 to help Connor who was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Cancer which, led to an extensive treatment plan at Birmingham Children's hospital.
- Herefordshire
- Funded on Monday, 9th August 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Just before Easter Connor had an operation to remove a tumor which seemed to go well, but during testing the growth was found to be malignant with an aggressive Cancer. Connor has already been diagnosed with Asperger's and will need some special education after his treatment. Sam his mother has given up her Managerial job in a local builder's merchants to look after him and has many trips to Birmingham ahead where his Radio and Chemotherapy will be conducted.
Anything that anyone can do to help will be greatly appreciated.
- 4 years ago
Len Chappell
4 years agoI want to thank everyone for the support they have shown so far. Connor is now 3 weeks through his radiotherapy. He has been staying in Birmingham with Sam to be close to the Birmingham QE. Every morning Monday to Friday they have to get a taxi to the children's hospital for a trial Chemotherapy and then straight to the QE for radiotherapy. It is a very intense treatment, but Connor is handling it very well. He has a constant smile on his face. Even with everything he has been through he has kept his cheeky personality.
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May 23, 2021
Sending all my love Sam. Been reading his story and my heart goes out to you all and the little superstar 💙💙💙
May 17, 2021
Thinking of you all
May 16, 2021
May 15, 2021
May 15, 2021
Love sent, stay strong. X
Sharon Pugh
May 9, 2021
Aman joseph
May 5, 2021
Keep fighting little one , you will get over from it . Be strong. We will keep you in our prayers 🙏
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Len Chappell
My name is Len and I am the founder of Forces Online CIO which is a British Military Charity that supports Veteran's and their families in any way we can. As a voluntary Charity worker I am well used to arranging support for people in the Armed Forces Community but now need help