We did it!
Jacqui Howe - founder of Springwood Sanctuary raised £4,702.2 from 185 supporters
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Closed 25/12/2019
Iʼve raised £4,702 to Help Springwood horse and donkey Sanctuary, relocate the herd and build a barn on their new land. Thank you so much for your support!
- West Sussex, UK
- Funded on Wednesday, 25th December 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who's able to support us with relocation costs. We're having a very tough time at the moment as we've sadly had to leave the beautiful rewilding, conservation and healing sanctuary we've created over the past 2.5 years as our landlord has sold it.
It was SO much more than the herd's home where they've let go of all their past trauma and now live peacefully, or a wonderful retreat sanctuary for many humans who came for similar effective healing and support, or the model for conservation grazing, biodiversity, rewilding, animal healing, mindfulness and vegan ethos. But after healing the land there, we've moved to pastures new and have been blessed to find a stunning prairie of wild medicinal plants, undulating expanses of unsprayed meadow grasses to graze and stretch their legs in carefree abandon and many sacred groves of trees which the herd can explore and find natural shelter.
They'll need a barn for sheltering in extreme winter weather with good dry sand underfoot to ensure their wellbeing. We'll also need storage for the hundreds of bales of meadow hay which they'll need to sustain them through the winter. This is our biggest expense at the moment.
Every penny raised will help pay for transport and a barn for the 11 horses & donkeys and to continue the sanctuary ethos for earth, human & animal healing.
We wholeheartedly appreciate ANY amount you are able to donate.
We are a not-for-profit social enterprise, which is privately funded. For more information on our ethos and to get in touch please visit www.springwoodsanctuary.com
5 years ago
Jacqui Howe - founder of Springwood Sanctuary
5 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
5 years ago
Jacqui Howe - founder of Springwood Sanctuary
5 years agoHello everyone! Well, we've managed to get through the last six months since our move and the herd are all very well. They settled into their new surroundings quickly and have enjoyed exploring the grazing and woodland areas. We are overwhelmed with everyone's support and generosity throughout the last year during our move, and with this fundraiser to buy them shelters for their new place. The fantastic news is that the shelters are arriving this weekend and we have a work party to help us put them up. Thank you! With love Jacqui x
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6 years ago
Jacqui Howe - founder of Springwood Sanctuary
6 years agoThank you everyone for your phenomenonal support!!
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Jacqui Howe - founder of Springwood Sanctuary started crowdfunding
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Wendy Lockwood
Dec 20, 2019
Sorry I can’t help out at the weekend. Hope you have a Happy Christmas and catch up with you in the New Year x
Zoe Worrall
Sep 29, 2019
Looking forward to meeting the heard
Sep 29, 2019
Carol Dowson
Sep 1, 2019
Aug 31, 2019
All the best Jacqui and thank you for everything you are doing x
Deborah Swift
Aug 30, 2019
Good Luck Jacqui xxYou are doing a wonderful thing
Aug 15, 2019
Good luck with the re-location!
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser

Jacqui Howe - founder of Springwood Sanctuary
West Sussex, UK
This unique conservation Sanctuary is a healing venue for people to reconnect with nature and learn resilience techniques to live peacefully. It's also home to a now peacefully bonded herd of rescued horses & donkets who've all recovered from previous trauma and exploitation.