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Danae Eleni & BYOM Academy Musicians for Help Musicians Ukraine raised £10,922 from 104 supporters
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Closed 30/06/2023
Iʼve raised £10,922 to help refugee and displaced Ukrainian musicians.
- Funded on Friday, 30th June 2023
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Thousands of professional and student musicians have been displaced by the war in Ukraine. They are leaving their homes with not much more than their instruments, and in some cases without these too.
We are a team of musicians who are helping on the ground. We can help house people, either with us or with trusted musician colleagues and with your donations we can pay for visas, covid tests, replacements for lost clothes and belongings, organising safe onward travel and emergency relief funds.
We are helping Ukrainian musicians move through countries bordering Ukraine to take up positions and emergency residency programme, or to reach relatives, friends or musical volunteers who can accommodate them.
If you are an institution and are able to offer an emergency residency, or a place for musicians to continue to perform or study - please do email us at helpmusiciansukraine@gmail.com
Behind the Scenes: BYOM Academy, Bernhard Kerres, Danae Eleni, Aleksandra Bobrowska, Myroslava Khomik, Sofia Livotov, Donna Chan, Egita Gielen, Monika Kertesz, Kamilla Arku, María Márquez, Izabela Jutrzenka-Trzebiatowska, Arabella Brunner, John-Andrew Fernandez, Lana Krakovskiy and many more!
Tausende professionelle Musiker und Musikstudenten wurden durch den Krieg in der Ukraine vertrieben. Sie verlassen ihre Heimat mit nicht viel mehr als ihren Instrumenten, teilweise auch ohne diese.
Wir sind ein Team von Musikern die vor Ort helfen. Wir helfen Menschen eine Unterkunft zu finden, entweder bei uns oder bei vertrauenswürdigen Musikerkollegen.
Mit Ihren Spenden können wir Visa, Covid-Tests, Ersatz für verlorene Kleidung und Habseligkeiten bezahlen, eine sichere Weiterreise und Nothilfegelder organisieren.
Wir helfen ukrainischen Musikern, über die an die Ukraine angrenzenden Länder zu reisen, um in ein Notresidenzprogramm aufgenommen zu werden oder Verwandte, Freunde oder ehrenamtliche Musiker zu erreichen, bei denen sie Unterkunft finden können.
Wenn Sie eine Institution sind und Musikern eine Notresidenz oder einen Platz anbieten können, damit sie weiterhin auftreten oder studieren können, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail an helpmusiciansukraine@gmail.com
Hinter den Kulissen: BYOM Academy, Bernhard Kerres, Danae Eleni, Aleksandra Bobrowska, Myroslava Khomik, Sofia Livotov, Donna Chan, Egita Gielen, Monika Kertesz, Kamilla Arku, María Márquez, Izabela Jutrzenka-Trzebiatowska, Arabella Brunner, John-Andrew Fernandez, Lana Krakovskiy und viele mehr!
2 years ago
Danae Eleni & BYOM Academy Musicians for Help Musicians Ukraine
2 years agoThank you so much for all of your support on here and through private fundraising! We have raised over half of our initial target and managed to help many Ukrainian musicians, who are now settling in Poland, the USA, UK, Denmark, Germany, Italy and Spain to name just a few places... There is still a huge need to support both displaced Ukrainian musicians, and those still in Ukraine, so we will keep our page open in order to support people as much as possible. Thank you again for all of your kindness and support here and on the ground! xxx
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3 years ago
Danae Eleni & BYOM Academy Musicians for Help Musicians Ukraine
3 years agoThank you for your donations so far, both through Justgiving and directly through fundraising concerts! We are still supporting Ukrainian musicians and their families as they start new lives in Europe and further afield. If you'd like to join our team of volunteers assisting with logistics or learn more about the musicians we've helped so far, please visit www.helpmusiciansukraine.com . Also, please do get in touch if you'd like to invite Ukrainian musicians to participate in your concerts. Thank you again for all your support!!
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3 years ago
Danae Eleni & BYOM Academy Musicians for Help Musicians Ukraine
3 years agoHappy Orthodox Easter! This week was a good week. 3 separate musical families have passed through Warsaw in the last few days, and are now safely in Norway & Germany. One of our UK "Homes for Ukraine" guests has finally been given her visa, and we just heard that the Canadian visa for one of our other guests has also been approved! THANK YOU for all of your help and support! It is making such a difference to so many people!
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Danae Eleni & BYOM Academy Musicians for Help Musicians Ukraine started crowdfunding
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May 21, 2023
May 18, 2023
Olesia Kova
Mar 2, 2023
Dec 29, 2022
The Welch McCarthy Family
Dec 21, 2022
May your music bring peace. Sending our love and support.
In Honor of Joan Smith
Dec 19, 2022
Alfredo Ovalles
Nov 24, 2022
Proceeds from sales of my latest CD - Sun Spot
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Danae Eleni & BYOM Academy Musicians for Help Musicians Ukraine
We are a network of classical musicians who are helping support Ukrainian musicians and their families who have been displaced in the current crisis. https://www.helpmusiciansukraine.com https://www.beyourownmanager.com/