We did it!
Craig Menzies raised £685 from 23 supporters
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Closed 26/05/2021
Iʼve raised £685 to give Help for Helping Hands in the NHS
- Funded on Wednesday, 26th May 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Our local NHS Hospital needs Hand Cream
NHS staff are washing and sanitising their hands more than ever. Through my wife (who is a NHS Frontline worker) I recently learnt that the staff at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham were suffering from dry and cracked skin on their hands because of this continuous lifesaving cleaning routine. Washing and using hand gels anywhere up to 100 times a day is taking its toll on those hands that help us so much.
I raised the issue with my business partners at Gambit Nash and we quickly organised and delivered a box of hand creams to offer some "Help for Helping Hands". You can read more about it here
The hand creams were very well received and from the feedback we have had, they were much needed. Now, there is more that needs to be done. With reports that the creams are all being used and messages on social media that indicate that this isn't an isolated issue, we need your help to give more to the NHS staff that need it so badly.
Our aim is to supply 300 more bottles to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham but if this fund raiser makes more than that, we will send the value in hand creams to other Birmingham NHS Hospitals such as Heartlands.
Please help!
All the very best, Craig Menzies & the Gambit Nash Team
- 4 years ago
Craig Menzies
4 years agoWe delivered these today. Thank you all xxxx
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- 4 years ago
Craig Menzies
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 4 years ago
Craig Menzies
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Craig Menzies started crowdfunding
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Feb 10, 2021
Awesome cause Cake 😊
Feb 1, 2021
Jan 29, 2021
Keep up the great work!
Jennifer Menzies
Jan 28, 2021
Great idea and so helpful to NHS staff
Lesley Hunter
Jan 28, 2021
Brilliant idea. Good luck Craig!Martin, Lesley, Ralph and Marin xxx
Richard Fisher
Jan 28, 2021
Great cause Craig.
Rachel Gori
Jan 28, 2021
Well done Craig, great cause! Huge thanks and admiration for our NHS heroes
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Craig Menzies
Married to an amazing NHS Critical Care Physiotherapist. Father of two boys. Partner and director at Gambit Nash