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Cast A Thought raised £170 from 3 supporters
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Closed 09/06/2024
Iʼve raised £170 to purchase a van for Cast A Thought CIC to enable us to transport all the equipment needed by our users in one vehicle
- Home Counties
- Funded on Sunday, 9th June 2024
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Currently delivering in Kent and Essex, through support and promotion from the Angling Trust, as a Approved Wellbeing Providers, we have been provided with media opportunities on national tv and local radio. This along with networking meetings across the south east has raised the profile of the organisation to a point that we are being approached by many organisations to support those within their communities.
With an increasing number of sessions being run, and a greater number of people being reached, the need to expand the quantity and range of equipment that we own is every increasing. Currently all equipment is transported to sessions in the personal vehicles of the lead coach and volunteers. Should one or two of the volunteers be unable to attend a session the amount of equipment available to that group reduces, due to the capacity of the vehicles available at that time.
The organisation wishes to purchase of a second hand van which will enable the lead coach, or named driver, to be responsible for transporting all equipment to a session to ensure that the full range of equipment is available on each occasion to ensure a fully interactive and immersive session for participants. This vehicle will enable us to increase the number, and range, of our fishing for wellbeing sessions that support children, young people and adults with their mental health and wellbeing or long term health conditions. It will also provide an opportunity for those who are socially isolated to become engaged in their local community. and will act as a tool to bring people together to build strong relationships in and across the community; and helping more people to reach their potential, by supporting them at the earliest possible stages in their journey.
Within our first year of operation we have worked with 176 children and 28 adults. During this time we have gained feedback from the children and their parents, along with the adults and the organisations that referred them. This feedback shows that 97% of participants felt their views were listened to, with 89% stating their mental health had improved.
Please help us to reach more people and share the therapeutic powers of our fishing activities and create meaningful and lasting positive impacts on the mental health and well-being of individuals while fostering a sense of community and environmental consciousness.
- 1 year ago
Cast A Thought
1 year agoWell what can I say! With everyone telling us that we couldn't get funding to help purchase a van the National Lottery have given us some funding. This means we can reduce our target to £5,000 now :)
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Fred brown
Feb 14, 2024
Hope this helps buy the van for a brilliant project that mixes the great sport of fishing and it’s proven impact on helping with mental illness.
Gus Cunningham
Feb 14, 2024
Fantastic Charity, happy to help.
Feb 13, 2024
Keep up the great work does wonders for mental health.
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Cast A Thought
Home Counties
Providing inclusive and accessible fishing programs, to promote the mental health and wellbeing of children, young people, and adults, as well as supporting those with long term health conditions or at risk of social isolation.