We did it!
Heather Grant raised £1,080.1 from 56 supporters
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Closed 09/10/2016
Iʼve raised £1,080 to donate to Cancer Research UK and the Dunstone Bennett Complementary Centre
- Funded on Sunday, 9th October 2016
Don't have time to donate right now?
In April 2014 I was diagnosed with lymphoma (cancer of the lymphatic system). Thankfully, after six cycles of chemotherapy I went into remission and was given the all clear.
While I was ill, my lovely sister ran a marathon and raised over £2000 for MacMillan. At the time I decided that when I was well enough I wanted to run a half marathon. This gave me something to focus on, and also acts as a good indicator of how far I’ve come since I finished having chemo. I will be running the Windsor half marathon on 25th September with my sister Clare and brother Daniel.
As well as the amazing support my family and friends gave me while I was ill, I am also very grateful for the treatment I received from a local charity called Dunstone Bennett, who provide complementary therapy for cancer patients and their relatives. This really helped me to cope with the horrible effects of chemotherapy, and the difficulties that come with fighting an illness like cancer.
We will be donating the money we raise to Cancer Research UK and the Dunstone Bennett Complementary Centre. Please sponsor us whatever you can to help raise money for these worthy charities.
Thank you :)
- 8 years ago
Heather Grant
8 years agoSo we all managed to complete the Windsor half marathon on Sunday 25th September. There was a brilliant atmosphere, the weather was perfect, the surroundings were beautiful and it was really good to be running together. Thank you all so much for sponsoring us, you've helped us to raise over £1000 for Cancer Research UK and the Dunstone Bennett Complementary Centre. Thanks again! Heather, Clare & Daniel x
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Heather Grant started crowdfunding
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Sep 30, 2016
Rich Crossingham
Sep 25, 2016
Good luck!
Ruth and Tim
Sep 24, 2016
Wishing you all the best for tomorrow Heather! Well done you!
Sep 24, 2016
Add oil
Sep 24, 2016
good luck Heather I will be thinking of you tomorrow
Peter Gould
Sep 24, 2016
Good luck 😊
Sep 24, 2016
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