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Natalie Shenker raised £5,805.22 from 130 supporters


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Closed 06/10/2018

raised of £25,000 target by 130 supporters

    Iʼve raised £5,805 to grow our milk bank.

    Welwyn Garden City, United Kingdom
    Funded on Saturday, 6th October 2018

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    This is Naomi and Jo. They have been working at the Hearts Milk Bank since May. They check, sort and pasteurise the milk donated by scores of wonderful mums, so that it is ready to feed tiny babies in neonatal units across our region.

    They have been very busy.

    In the last 10 months, they have pasteurised over 500 litres of donated milk, and so much is coming in that we ran out of freezer space!

    (A very full freezer)

    Our wonderful supporters came to our aid, and now we have enough freezer space to supply the region and more.

    It's a new year, and we have a new challenge. We can make sure milk is available for researchers up and down the UK - helping them to solve how human milk protects against infections and disease. We have so much to do, equipment to bring in and staff to train. We need time until we are fully sustainable by ourselves, and time is running out. If we are to get the research going, as well as continue to grow to meet the needs of our region's hospitals, we need your help.

    Please help us to build on the great foundations we have laid, and help even more babies and their parents.



    • Natalie Shenker8 years ago
      Natalie Shenker

      Natalie Shenker

      8 years ago

      Our target of £5000 is in sight! Thank you to all of you who have donated - we can't tell you what a difference it has made already. And there is an amazing opportunity ahead. Every penny raised over our target will go towards funding our research programme. There are so many questions out there to answer. Among the studies we urgently need to start include helping mothers manage their milk supply after the death of a baby, and enabling donor milk to be provided to babies who would not currently be eligible to receive it. Help us to do more!

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Natalie Shenker8 years ago
      Natalie Shenker

      Natalie Shenker

      8 years ago

      Things have been busy - milk is coming in again into our new freezers, and with our little Milk Mobile in the Biopark basement, we can whizz milk off to hospitals very quickly. The last two orders have arrived on neonatal intensive care units within an hour of the phone ringing! Converting the Milk Mobile into a fully refrigerated unit that can carry milk safely over longer distances is working out cheaper than expected. This means that thanks to you all we can start the work, and get onto the next problem to solve: a centrifuge. Update soon!

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    • Natalie Shenker8 years ago
      Natalie Shenker

      Natalie Shenker

      8 years ago

      Look what arrived yesterday! 24 hours later, it has been cleaned, turned on, frozen down to -20C and half full. Thank you everyone!

      Update from the Page owner

      Share this update to help us raise more

    8 years ago

    Natalie Shenker started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 8/30/2018 18.18



    • Annette Dawes

      Annette Dawes

      Aug 30, 2018


    • Ann Mroz

      Ann Mroz

      Aug 26, 2018


    • Phil DAVIES

      Phil DAVIES

      Aug 24, 2018


    • Esme Mroz-Dawes

      Esme Mroz-Dawes

      Aug 23, 2018

      Thank you for the brilliant work you do!


    • Karis Howden

      Karis Howden

      Jun 16, 2018


    • Sally Longstaff

      Sally Longstaff

      Jun 10, 2018

      Amazing work and I hope you get the support and recognition you deserve.


    • Laura Tunbridge

      Laura Tunbridge

      Jun 9, 2018

      Great talk at the ABM conference today, happy to donate to such a great cause


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    About Crowdfunding
    About the fundraiser
    Natalie Shenker

    Natalie Shenker

    Welwyn Garden City, United Kingdom

    Over the last year, we have worked all hours to set up the Hearts Milk Bank. Sick babies across our region can now receive screened donor milk whenever they need it. We are sending more milk out every month, but need help until we are fully sustainable.

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