We did it!
Sophie Byrne raised £5,579 from 285 supporters
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Closed 31/03/2023
Iʼve raised £5,579 to Harry’s Christmas Wish - running 2km a day, until Christmas day, covering 100k! To provide children with a Christmas gift.
- Funded on Friday, 31st March 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Harry is always striving to make Reuben proud. He is determined to keep Reuben's legacy alive. Last year Harry's Christmas Wish was a huge success. We were able to gift hundreds of presents to the children at the hospices, hospitals and poorly children in the community.
Eight-year-old Harry is running 2k a day until Christmas day, covering 100k!
It brought us great sadness that five days before Christmas 2021 Reuben passed away and never got to open his present.
Harry's Christmas letter for Reuben in 2021 read-
"Dear Santa, for my little brother Reuben, I would like him to have the best year and all of his friends at the hospice please. I can help you ❤ Harry B"
We asked Harry "How will you help Santa?" He explained "Santa is very busy, I would like all the poorly children to have an extra gift, I will start by giving my pocket money" Harry recently received £2.50 from the tooth fairy and alongside some other pound coins, he is willing to gift his £11!
To date he's managed to raise an amazing £41,500 (including gift aid) for Julia's House Children's Hospice and Naomi House and Jack's Place Hospice.
The money you generously donate will provide presents for poorly children spending Christmas at the hospices, hospitals and poorly children within the community supported by the community nurses.
Follow Harry's Instagram page @Harrysadventures8
Updates appear here
Sophie Byrne started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Jan 15, 2023
Jan 3, 2023
Jan 2, 2023
I’m sorry I don’t have more to give but you are an amazing boy and brother ❤️
Bennett family
Dec 31, 2022
What a great Brother
Dec 31, 2022
Harry is an inspiration!
Dec 31, 2022
Thank you for all that you do
Dec 31, 2022
i watched a video on tik tok and harry you young man are amazing i just had to donate i know you done amazing xx
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