We did it!
Hala bashir raised £4,268.78 from 278 supporters
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Closed 09/10/2021
Iʼve raised £4,268 to yemen emergency appeal. Includes water well and food parcels.
- Funded on Saturday, 9th October 2021
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thatfewAsalaam allaykum I will be raising £8000 for our brothers and sisters in yemen in shaaa allah.we are all aware and know this is one of the largest humanitarian crisis occurring right now to this day and Alhamdulliah for the shelter we have over our heads, knowing everyday we have the opportunity to drink clean purified water. The funds in shaa allah will be used for projects such as deep water well, providing supplies to schools and orphanges, or aid poor and displaced familes with food, shelter, medicine and neccessary supplies especially during the cold winter.Every ten minutes, a child under five dies of preventable causes and It is our duty as an ummah to come together and help our sisters and brothers who are suffering every single day. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased).”
£1500 will provide a deep water well, providing communities with clean, safe water. 4 deep water well will be set up and the rest of the funds will be spent on food parcels and other supplies in shaa allah.
Donating just as little as £1 could help reach the target and help so many helpless children and families out.Please donate generously, share with your friends and family and make sincere du'a that we reach our target! Jazakallahu khair.

Thanks to everyone thst has donated here is a view pictures of the food parcels that have been donated to yemen so far with the money that everyone has donated.

In shaa allah we will carry on bi ithan allah and Thank you to every one that took part and shared it and also donated.
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May Allah help all our sisters & brothers in the whole world🤲🏼✨
Jan 13, 2021
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