We did it!
David Robinson raised £90 from 5 supporters
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Closed 25/08/2021
Iʼve raised £90 to the great work of the HAFT who provide free health care in poorest areas of Uganda. visit their website at "haft-ug.org" for more info
- Uganda
- Funded on Wednesday, 25th August 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
HAFT are a group of young Ugandan volunteer nurses and midwives who give their spare time to provide free health care, support and education to the poorest villages in Western Uganda. Please visit their website "haft-ug.org", or Google HAFT Uganda for more information. These young people have very little themselves, yet they freely give of their time and skills to improve the health and quality of life of their fellow Ugandans who have little or nothing.
Updates appear here
David Robinson started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
May 2, 2021
God bless haft-uganda
Colin Baxter
Apr 28, 2021
Well wisher
Apr 27, 2021
Great work. Well done
Phillip Ward
Apr 27, 2021
To all-volunteer members of HAFT, keep up the good work, promoting awareness of HIV, domestic violence, cervical cancer, menstrual stigma to name a few in your country Uganda.
Apr 27, 2021
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