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John Stewart raised £8,770.73 from 169 supporters
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Closed 06/02/2024
Iʼve raised £8,770 to allow HACAN East, which gives a voice to people impacted by the airport, to fight London City Airport's expansion plans at Public Inquiry
- London
- Funded on Tuesday, 6th February 2024
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Weekend relief from aircraft noise is again under attack from London City Airport
HACAN East is a campaign group of mostly Londoners concerned about the noise and environmental impacts of London City Airport. For many years we have campaigned against the expansion of London City Airport with its increasing numbers of low flying jet aircraft, extra noise and pollution, and all that means for Londoners and our peaceful enjoyment of homes, parks and gardens. We focus particularly though not exclusively on the airport's noise impact on overflown London.
The Airport wants permission to allow planes to fly on Saturdays until early evening; to take away a valued period of peace and quiet for countless Londoners; to allow more early morning flights and to increase passengers from 6.5m to 9m per year.
At HACAN East, we think that the airport has expanded enough. We think that a 24 hour weekend break from their aircraft from Saturday lunchtime to Sunday lunchtime is a minimum requirement for all our sakes. Ending would be a very poor choice for overflown Londoners We would never get this quiet period back once conceded.
The airport is appealing against a planning decision by its home Borough, Newham, to reject these proposals. HACAN East will appear at the Planning Inquiry, making as strong a case as we can alongside Newham to halt this in its tracks.
We are unpaid volunteers; we do this because we think it matters. To work with us to develop and present our best possible case to the Inquiry, we have engaged expert legal counsel and we will also call expert witnesses to help argue our case. Even with considerable goodwill from our legal friends, this comes with costs.
Your donation will help us to meet the expenses of our legal team and other costs incurred by HACAN East as we progress our presentations to the Inquiry. Time is important - the Public Inquiry is in December and we are working with our legal team right now to build our case.
Thank you so much for supporting this. We are determined to do our very best to represent the peace and quiet belonging to overflown residents of London, and your donation, of any amount, will help us to do just that.
Full details are on our website at http://www.hacaneast.org.uk/news
1 year ago
John Stewart
1 year agoThe Public Inquiry began again on 15 January and our volunteer team is attending, supporting our legal counsel and expert witnesses. We are still seeking help to meet the full costs of this, all donations welcomed. You can follow proceedings on YouTube, or Email HACAN East chair, johnstewart2@btconnect.com if you want a slot to speak at the inquiry.
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1 year ago
John Stewart
1 year agoThank you once again for your generous donations. A quick update on the Public Inquiry. It will start on Tuesday 5 December at 10:00am in Stratford Town Hall. It is open to the public. On the first day, from 2pm onwards, any member of the public who wishes to speak can do so, but must book a slot. Email HACAN East chair, johnstewart2@btconnect.com, if you want a slot and he will put you in direct contact with the organiser.
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1 year ago
John Stewart
1 year agoThe public Inquiry into London City Airport's growth plans starts a week today. So far our Crowdfunder has raised over £7,000 towards our costs of paying a top legal team. We thank all of you who have given. There is still time to tell your friends and any groups you may be involved in about the Crowdfunder.
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John Stewart started crowdfunding
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Jo Blackman
Dec 9, 2023
Thanks so much for your vital work!
Dec 9, 2023
Forest Gill
Dec 5, 2023
Nov 30, 2023
Good luck. Expanding air travel is insane right now
Nov 30, 2023
Nov 30, 2023
Nov 28, 2023
Great job everyone. Really thankful for what you are doing.
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