We did it!
Green Lane Association raised £12,437.03 from 222 supporters
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Closed 31/12/2020
Iʼve raised £12,437 to complete work on four of the UK's iconic green lanes
- Funded on Thursday, 31st December 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Some of the most iconic green lanes in the UK need your help!
Happy Valley
Carn March Arthur
The Wayfarer
Horseshoe Lane (The B*astard)
After the affects of weather, water erosion and the inconsiderate use of those who choose to act outside the green laning community's responsible usage mantra, considerable work is required on all these routes. GLASS have been working tirelessly over winter in discussions and planning meetings with local authorities, national parks and land owners. Now it's time for action!
GLASS are going to help fund these large projects which include:
• helicoptering hundreds of tons of stone to repair Happy Valley and Carn March Arthur
• bridge repairs, sleeper section maintenance, drainage improvement, signage and off-piste solutions on the Wayfarer
• signage and drainage improvement along the full length of Horseshoe
Most people within the laning community know these lanes, donate today to keep them on our maps and open for all!
You don't need to be a member, you just need to care about our vehicular rights of way!
We'll be dipping into our fighting fund, but the shortfall needs to be covered. We have numerous projects all over the UK, these are the big ones and we can't do it without your help!
For a project overview and to keep up with any news updates, see the new page on our website https://www.glass-uk.org/help-save-our-iconic-welsh-lanes.html
If you're not already a GLASS member please consider joining us, take a peek at the member benefits here - https://www.glass-uk.org/join-glass.html
Please note any surplus funds (which is highly unlikely) will be ring fenced for future works as and when required on the 4 routes listed above.
If you wish to keep your details private when donating, please select the anonymous option. The Green Lane Association will not receive any information about you and your donation will not appear publicly on this fundraising page.
Many thanks for your support! Together we can make a difference!
5 years ago
Green Lane Association
5 years agoTo keep up to date with the projects we've set up a new page on our website. Click for a project overview, any news will be added as it happens! https://www.glass-uk.org/help-save-our-iconic-welsh-lanes.html
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5 years ago
Green Lane Association
5 years agoHorseshoe Lane (also known as The B*stard) project - Drainage issues have been highlighted by Natural Resources Wales who cannot access or fund the project in their remit. Work will be carried out to improve surface drainage along the whole length of the lane, this will prevent further water erosion going forward. A clean-up day will be organised to address a littering issue. Signage will be installed by Snowdonia National Park denoting the one way route along this iconic lane. Horseshoe Lane is currently one way, downhill!
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5 years ago
Green Lane Association
5 years agoThe Wayfarer project - Railway sleepers used to cross boggy land have become disturbed over time. This route comes under the remit of both Denbighshire and Wrexham CCs, being SSSI land Natural Resources Wales are also involved in any works in the area. Signage denoting the sensitive nature of the surrounding land will be put in place, work will be carried out to repair the bridge, off piste barriers installed, waterholes filled, drainage improved and sleepers replaced. The Wayfarer is currently under VR until work is complete.
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Green Lane Association started crowdfunding
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Dec 28, 2020
Dec 26, 2020
Dec 21, 2020
Keep up the good work
Richard Crowe
Nov 20, 2020
Just think of how much it will cost to fill up for your next laning trip and donate that! Cheap at twice the price!
Jason Gulliver
Nov 18, 2020
A small donation that will hopefully go a long way to saving these iconic lanes...I am young an d new to green laning, and would like to be able to continue for decades to come.
Nov 10, 2020
Some of the best green lanes in Wales.
Scott Helme
Oct 26, 2020
Keep fighting the good fight 👍
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Green Lane Association
The Green Lane Association are the largest multi-user group representing users of unmetalled vehicular rights of way in the UK.