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Angela Courtis-lee raised £815 from 33 supporters
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Closed 08/02/2022
Iʼve raised £815 to Help our gorgeous loving Teddy bear get a MRI scan to see why he struggles to walk, and would love to raise money for Winston wheels
- Funded on Tuesday, 8th February 2022
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We have adopted a dog from Romania called Teddy. He is such a sweetheart, loves cuddles and his food. Especially salmon bones and sqeaky toys.
He will certainly still your heart, he did with us as soon as we met him. He has started life with living on the streets for 5 years looking for food and shelter. He came to uk with a charity, we got told his back and leg problems were most likely caused by a gun shot. He had sores on his bottom and back paws where he used to drag himself along the ground to be mobile. Since being in the uk and now definetley with us over the last 4 weeks has walked a bit futher. We recently had an x ray where it shows the bullet by his pelvis, we sadly also found out that he had two old fractures which have self healed themselves due to no vet care. One was in his back lower left leg and the other was top of his tail/ bottom. That has been caused by abuse. He has just had an eye op done due to his ongoing and un treated eye condition .
We would love help to raise the £2,500 for his MRI scan that is needed to see why his back legs/ paws give way. We see him drag himself around the house as he cant walk as much. He has now got a better life here with us in his forever home. We just want to help him walk longer and with ease. Not sure if there is any nerve damage.
We have had wheels donated to us by a lovely lady called Rachel Wettner, she is the founder of Winstons wheels charity 1191322 who lost her her nine year old Staffordshire bull Terrier Winston to cancer. He was diagnosed with Tumour and needed a wheel chair to help him to walk. We didn‘t know anything about the charity until we had Teddy. She has a facebook page that we are part of, most owners are not aware of the wheels and are only given a choice to sadly let their dog go. So lets build awareness and support for Winstons wheels. And to help Teddy get on the go
- 3 years ago
Angela Courtis-lee
3 years agoHi guys, Teddy is booked in with a specialist next week on 4th. We wanted him to have a MRI , but then got told with his bullet he can’t. We have now been offered to have his bullet removed and the MRI done while under his general anaesthetic . Don’t know what will happen next, might be another op or may removal of the bullet will help . Update soon
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- 3 years ago
Angela Courtis-lee
3 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Angela Courtis-lee started crowdfunding
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Nov 26, 2021
Nov 23, 2021
Let's hope we can get you the funds. xxx
Nov 11, 2021
Nov 7, 2021
Every little helps xx
Nov 1, 2021
Sorry only a little
Steve & Joan
Oct 26, 2021
Oct 23, 2021
Every Little helps! Xx
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