We did it!
Zoe Matthews raised £380 from 3 supporters
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Closed 19/07/2019
Iʼve raised £380 to fund medical training equipment for the College of Nursing at Good Shepherd Hospital, Eswatini (Swaziland)
- UK to Eswatini
- Funded on Friday, 19th July 2019
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A message from Zoe and Aaron...
In July 2019, as part of our medical degree, we've been accepted for an elective placement working at Good Shepherd Hospital (GSH) in Eswatini (previously known as Swaziland!).
Eswatini has no medical schools so all doctors are trained abroad, but there is a College of Nursing at GSH. This programme trains local people so they can gain their nursing qualifications and develop good clinical skills. In Eswatini the ratio is 1 doctor per 30,000 people, so the nurses really are key to running everything.
We feel that we'll gain a lot from our elective and are keen to make sure that the experience is mutually beneficial to our new friends in Eswatini. To that end, we're really keen to support hospital and nurse training program which would value any manikins or demonstration models that could be used for practical teaching.
We're therefore fundraising to provide and safely ship medical training equipment which will support the clinical training both now and for the next generations of students. We're so excited about the journey ahead, many thanks for all your support!
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Zoe Matthews started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Jul 15, 2019
Well done Zoe! Hope it all goes well. God bless what you’re doing. Love from us all
Di & Les
Apr 24, 2019
Our best wishes for your time in Swaziland.
Sue Gage
Apr 22, 2019
Hope you have a fantastic time gaining experience at GSH and that the equipment arrives in one piece.
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