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Dave Windsor raised £10,810.5 from 403 supporters
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Closed 26/07/2020
Iʼve raised £10,810 to provide welfare and support for critical care teams in Gloucestershire
- Gloucestershire
- Funded on Sunday, 26th July 2020
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These are just some of your amazing critical care team working day and night in the battle against Covid-19. This team care for the most critically unwell patients in Gloucestershire in challenging conditions.
Caring in these situations involves long periods in protective equipment. Everyday this NHS critical care team turns up to give much needed care for our loved ones in Gloucestershire. It is an anxious and difficult time for us all. Despite this this team carries on with sensitivity, good humour and compassion.
The "Clap for the NHS" brought many staff to tears, staff who love what they do and feel privileged to deliver the best care to patients.
We know we will be working in these conditions for many months. I would like to give something back to those staff on behalf of the people they serve. The nature of the work mean teams only get short breaks and staying hydrated and healthy is key. I would like to raise some money to buy drinks, fruit, snacks, ready meals, shower gel, hand cream, maybe a radio so they can listen to music etc to enhance their well being and help them stay strong so they can help so many others....
... and if there is any money left over I would like to throw them all a big party at the end to say thank you.....!
I would also encourage people to share any messages of support at this difficult time, your kind words and sentiment really do make a difference and keep this army marching!
They are the real heroes and they deserve the very best.
Thank you x
5 years ago
Dave Windsor
5 years agoI wanted to say a huge thank you for you support. We have managed to buy a number of small gifts to make the critical care staffs working lives that little bit nicer. Caring for all these patients now takes an army over staff every day. Cans of drink, hand creams, shower gels, ready meals, digital radios, coffees, snack, and calculators have all been purchased. These not only help wellbeing of our staff but also are a real demonstration of the love and support this team has from the people of Gloucestershire!
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5 years ago
Dave Windsor
5 years agoYour funds have been put to immediate good. To date we have purchased a range of refreshments for an increasing amount of staff - swelling in their numbers to support critical care! WE now have a range of cold drinks, hand cream, shower gel, soaps and aromatherapy. We have also purchased some simple DAB radios so staff working in COVID pods maintain contact with outside world. Staff are also find the frequent hand washing and masks are damaging their hands, lips and hair so we have our wellbeing nurses sourcing products to help! THANK YOU!!!
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5 years ago
Dave Windsor
5 years agoWOW WOW WOW! People of Gloucestershire you are amazing. We're bowled over by your generosity. Many have suggested we up our target, initially I was reluctant but it's been suggested we could do more good for staff, & with peoples permission - use some of the money to improve things for relatives too - for example rapidly acquiring the hardware to allow video conferences/calling for our patients who aren't always able to be visited by their loved ones. Thank you SO much, the money you have donated is already being used to keep the army going!
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Dave Windsor started crowdfunding
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Bharati Pat
Apr 23, 2020
Really appreciate the care you give to the patientsThank you and Take care be safe and be hopeful
Katie Scott
Apr 16, 2020
The hardest working, kindest and most courageous team! You all deserve every penny, working tirelessly around the clock - not just now but all year round! Thank you to you all, enjoy the goodies.❤️
Apr 15, 2020
Apr 14, 2020
Karen Clutterbuck
Apr 13, 2020
My admiration is without words. Thank you Dave and your amazing team for all the incredible work you are doing. I hope you manage to enjoy a few treats in between your long shifts. Thank you NHS
Apr 13, 2020
Thank you for everything you’re all doing 💕
Jayne W
Apr 12, 2020
Thank you NHS Gloucester and all over UK. Including Wales Dan
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