Iʼve raised £58 to Help the family affected by the fire at Ginghams Chip shop & Restaurant.
- Chapel St Leonards, United Kingdom
- Funded on Friday, 10th November 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
On the 11/10/2017 Ginghams Chip Shop & Restaurant caught fire, this has affected the family living above the premises.
Fortunately the fire brigade got there in time to stop the fire from spreading to the flat above but due to smoke damage the family will need help replacing the things that they have lost, decorating costs, new carpets etc.
Please give generously so that we can help replace the things they've lost.
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Chris started crowdfunding
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Kimberly Barnett
Oct 13, 2017
Jenny Parkes
Oct 12, 2017
Sorry Not much but every bit helps hope you find somewhere to live xx
Pam Matts
Oct 12, 2017
Tina Stead
Oct 11, 2017
I hope this helps a little even if it's only an outfit for the little ones. Thinking of the family involved xx
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Chapel St Leonards, United Kingdom
I watched the mother of two go through the trauma of the possibility of losing everything. All hail the fire brigade for preventing that from happening. She lost her job, Christmas is coming, the smoke damage will only worsen as time kicks in. I'd like to help.