We did it!
His friends & family raised £81,735.55 from 2154 supporters
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Closed 31/12/2018
Iʼve raised £81,735 to Get Keith On His Feet
- Funded on Monday, 31st December 2018
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Update on the incredibly sad story below.
Your amazing generosity has allowed us to fly keith home via air ambulance.
Keith is now in The James Cook spinal care unit in Middlesbourgh and has just managed to have his first few days in a wheelchair.
Keith will now begin his rehabilitation in earnest and we all know it will be a long road ahead.
Keith still has no use of his legs but does have some feeling when tested so we remain hopeful and positive that these signs will lead eventually to him being back on his feet. His arms move but his hands have extreemly limited use so thats also a big part of the rehab process.
Its only an estimate but keith will be in hospital for between 6 and 12 months. During this time the process of integrating him back into his family life will begin with weekends at home as soon as possible.
We will continue to raise funds for keith and his family for many years ahead and will do all we can to allow them to live as normal a life as possible.
Its still early days so much of this update may change so for now we are focussed on keiths progress and the beautiful memories they will create with their boys and our help.
Huge thanks and grattitude to everyone that has contributed so far, you have made a mass
ive difference in their confidence to cope with these challenging circimstances ❤️❤️
This is an urgent appeal to raise funds for our friend Keith Dungait.
Sadly on Thursday 5th July, whilst on holiday with friends, Keith innocently dived into the Hotel pool and hit his head on the bottom. A moment that took just seconds has left Keith in a critical condition with 5 fractures in his back and without the use of his legs.
Keith’s wife Christina is by his side in Spain along with his parents, whilst his two sons, Ronnie (7) and Makaulay (5) are at home with their family.
Keith’s family know there is a long road ahead, and we hope that the funds we raise through this appeal will help make that rehabilitation possible and get Keith back on his feet!
Your donations will help cover medical bills, potentially allow Keith to be flown back to the UK and we hope to raise enough to help Keith begin his road to recovery.
Your kind donations will truely make a difference and help this young family get through this terrible time.
- 7 years ago
His friends & family
7 years agoNews is spreading and we cannot thank you enough!! Keith's story has even been shared in a Belgium newspaper. https://www.hln.be/nieuws/buitenland/man-duikt-op-mallorca-in-zwembad-en-knalt-met-hoofd-tegen-bodem-als-vrienden-hem-uit-water-halen-ademt-hij-niet-meer~af41bbd2/
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- 7 years ago
His friends & family
7 years agoThank you to everyone who has supported this campaign so far! Today has been an amazing day and to top it off Keith's story has been shared in two newspapers; Chronicle Live & The Daily Mail!
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His friends & family started crowdfunding
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Margaret Ritchie
Dec 24, 2018
Good luck Keith
Dec 12, 2018
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas Keith. You’re clearly inspiring those closest to you - and everyone who’s ever known you even a little - with your fighting spirit, class and dignity.
Angela Young
Dec 4, 2018
Some more funds from our Triathlon Keith. Hope you're doing well.
Martin Harvey
Nov 2, 2018
Best Wishes - Good to Chris H face again.
April Shiels
Oct 31, 2018
Angela Young
Oct 26, 2018
Hi Keith/Christina, here are the proceeds from the indoor triathlon held at Fitness Vibes. Loads of support for you all here. Thrilled to see you standing and improving all the time. Keep it up!
Oct 19, 2018
This sort of situation is so difficult to deal with. Just know there are people out there who are thinking of your family and are glad to help. Hopefully it will lighten the load.
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