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paul cottrell raised £4,176 from 146 supporters
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Closed 11/10/2019
Iʼve raised £4,176 to Help the Buckley family after the tragic loss of George.
- Gravesend
- Funded on Friday, 11th October 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
George lost his life suddenly at the age of 15 after a tragic accident on the railway line at Swanscombe train station.
This awful tragedy has devastated his family and friends. Words just cannot express the loss felt by all who knew George.
'"George was caring, funny and full of life. He loved his family and adored his friends".
I know people will want to help as i do, so anything you can give would be greatly appreciated.
RIP George, we miss you, and will never forget you!
Updates appear here
paul cottrell started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Medicci Aesthetics
Oct 9, 2019
So deeply sorry for your loss . Love,Medicci Aesthetics team
Copperfield Academy
Oct 4, 2019
Our thoughts are with you all at the sad and difficult time.With love from your friends and colleagues xx
Harry Davies
Oct 2, 2019
Rest in peace George I will always remember you ❤️
Janahi Laver
Oct 1, 2019
Oct 1, 2019
RIP George ❤Thoughts are with your family and friends Such a young age to be takenShin bright lil man XxX ❤❤
Amy Sparkly Diamond
Sep 24, 2019
RIP George from Vinnie’s grandad x
From the guys at 172
Sep 19, 2019
RIP George, the guys at work are here for you Lacey xx
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