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GBSCUK raised £7,130 from 100 supporters
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Closed 30/09/2020
Iʼve raised £7,130 to GBSC UK - 2020 Corona Virus India Crisis Fund
- PO4 9QY
- Funded on Wednesday, 30th September 2020
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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Sadh Sangat Ji, as you are aware, we are living through some extraordinary times and the whole world is in the grip of Corona Virus (COVID-19) epidemic. Our Ardas with folded hands to Waheguru Ji, is to bless and protect the whole human race through this difficult phase – "Nanak Naam Chardikala, Teraa Bhahney Sarbat Da Bhala”.
There are many social and welfare organisations throughout the world who are helping people in need during these difficult times. With blessings from Waheguru Ji, GBSC UK (Gurdwara Bhat Sikh Council UK) has started “GBSC UK - 2020 Corona Virus India Crisis Fund”. The purpose of this fund is to help our brothers and sisters in India and other vulnerable people in our Bhat Sikh Sangat or any other person in need.
Because of "Lock Down" a lot of people are suffering very much in India. Lots of families in India earn a wage during the day and then use that money to purchase food for the evening but with Lock down they are unable to go out and earn a wage and in turn feed their family.
At a time when we in the UK are debating what to eat or not eat tomorrow people in India are contemplating where their next meal will come from.
We have asked a Gurdwara sewadaar in India to prepare a “Rashan” (grocery) list for a typical family in need.
The list above was provided:-
You will be surprised to see that just £7 could help a poor family in India for a week during these difficult times.
By providing people with their own ration this will stop them having to leave their house
- to go and try to earn a wage or
- beg and borrow food from others
- make contact with other therefore reducing the risk of catching the virus
- whilst at the same time trying to avoid the harsh treatment by the Police.
But with your help of just £7 we can help a family feed them selves for a week.
We appeal to you to help our fellow brothers and sisters in desperate need at this time.
In addition, we would request that you forward details of this Appeal to the Sadh Sangat, so that individuals can also contribute towards this great cause.
Guru Maharaj has blessed us all in this country and we should take this opportunity of true Sewa and help our fellow Sikhs.
The obvious questions that will be arising in your minds will be:-
1. How will the money be collected ?
2. How will the money be allocated ?
3. How will the money be sent to India ?
4. How will the money be distributed to those in need ?
5. How can we be ensure control over the money raised ?
Our current strategy and execution plan is :-
- Bank account has been set up for GBSC UK. All funds will go through this account and all income and expenditure will be fully accounted for.
- GBSC justgiving.com appeal page has been set up to assist with this appeal.
- Website has been updated with bank details and justgiving.com details.
- Contact Bhat Sikh Gurdwaras in India and request on headed paper – Gurdwara name, address, bank details, and name and contact details of Mukh Sewadaar, Secretary and Treasurer
- Ask each Gurdwara to provide a list of needy families in their Sangat.
- Money will only be allocated to Gurdwaras which have provided the required details and have submitted lists of families that require support.
- Money will be sent directly to the Gurdwara bank account and not to individuals.
- Money will be used by local Gurdwaras to purchase groceries for distribution to the those in need.
- We will ask for evidence of this distribution.
- List of donors to be published on the website.
Please confirm your support for this Appeal and chance to do Sewa for our community. Remember – Guru Ki Golak, Garib Da Muh Ji.
Guru Panth De Das,
GBSC UK working committee
5 years ago
5 years agoWGJK WGJF Sadh Sangat ji thank you for everyone who has donated so far. With in 48 hours we have hit 10% of our target. Please pass / share details of this appeal to as many friends, family and contacts in your phone so we get maximum exposure and can help people in real need that will make a difference to their lives. As little as £7 can help feed a family for a week. .
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Gurdwara Guru Hargobind Sahib ji - LEEDS
Sep 29, 2020
From all Saadh Sangat of Gurdwara Guru Hargobind Sahib ji - Leeds. Bohut hi shalagajog kaaraj hai. Desh kaum di Seva. Waheguru Sarbat da Bhala karan.
Joga Singh Rathore (Leeds)
Sep 29, 2020
Sarbat da Bhala
S Sukdave Singh Jungi
Sep 13, 2020
Waheguru Sabh Di Mehr Kari
Late Harbans Singh Roudh
Aug 26, 2020
Waheguru Sarbath Da Pahla
Harbhajan and Trishna Singh Edinburgh
Aug 16, 2020
Waheguru Ji Khalsa Waheguru Ji ki Fateh may Waheguru give all of the Sewadars strength and humility to continue this much needed sewa for our brother's and sister's and families in need at this time.
Gulbagh Singh Ragi
Jun 9, 2020
🙏🏽Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa🙏🏽 Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Nic Jefferson
Jun 7, 2020
Let’s keep going ...
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Gurdwara Bhat Sikh Council UK is an organisation independent of any political or cultural influence or bias but dedicated solely to promote the universal message of 'One God' and 'Equality' among all people through the teachings of 'Guru Nanak to Guru Granth Sahib