We did it!
Gaskell Recreation Ground - Management Board raised £330 from 13 supporters
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Closed 31/03/2022
Iʼve raised £330 to help fund a wild flower meadow area on the Gaskell recreation ground
- Much Wenlock
- Funded on Thursday, 31st March 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
The UK has lost 97% of its wildflower meadows since the 1930s. Re-establishing wildflowers in Much Wenlock will create a lively feeding and nesting ground for insects, birds and small animals as well as adding a burst of colour to the Gaskell ground.
How can I help?
We need approx £1000 to cultivate the soil and purchase the wild flower seeds. However big or small your donation, please contribute what you can. The more money we raise the more of this area we can sow!
The sowing area has been decided to be up the windmill top end and potentially stretching down to the walk path on the opposite side to the school. Shortly you will see a fenced off area to mark out our intentions as to where the area will be. Sowing is currently planned for Autumn and again in March 2022.
This would mean so much to a wide range of residents. Not only will it be great for insects and polinators but it will bring a lot of happiness and education to all ages as well as making an attractive feature of the Gaskell ground.
Updates appear here
Gaskell Recreation Ground - Management Board started crowdfunding
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Nov 16, 2021
What a wonderful idea - wild flower meadows bring such colour and wildlife to an area
Oct 27, 2021
Oct 26, 2021
Oct 26, 2021
This is a great idea. I can’t wait to see it in bloom.
Thomas Whiston
Oct 26, 2021
Great idea. The more rewilding we can do the better.
Phil Wadlow
Oct 15, 2021
Great idea, looking forward to seeing the results!
Oct 13, 2021
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