We did it!
Gary Colet raised £3,085 from 66 supporters
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Closed 17/06/2021
Iʼve raised £3,085 to support Barnet Hospital Intensive Care Unit
- Barnet, London
- Funded on Thursday, 17th June 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
In March 2020 I was admitted to Barnet Hospital with Covid-19. I spent 7 weeks in the Intensive Care Unit, 5 of which was on a ventilator in a coma. The care and love I received from the medical and other staff then and over the following 3 months was astonishing. These amazing people put their lives on the line to save mine. I shall never forget the nurses, doctors, therapists, care assistants, cleaners and others, many of whom I never got to thank personally. They were also wonderful in their support of my family under such difficult circumstances. A year on and I'm almost completely recovered, thanks to the excellent Barnet Neuro Rehab physio and Speech and Language therapy teams.
To say thank you, I'm raising funds for the Barnet Intensive Care Unit. I'm back on my bike and, if restrictions allow, on 17th April, aim to ride from London to Brighton with my excellent riding coach, neighbour and good friend Jeff.
I, along with the families of other ICU patients, will be so grateful for the support you can give. If you can, please also share this page on your social media. Thank you!
Escaping ICU to get the first fresh air in weeks!
My first and only visitors
Determined to walk out after 3 months - not a dry eye in the house (especially mine)
- 4 years ago
Gary Colet
4 years agoThe total raised is now an amazing £9175. Thank you! If you would like to see a clever 'fly-by' of our ride, go to https://tinyurl.com/garyjeff Best played in full-screen mode.
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- 4 years ago
Gary Colet
4 years agoThe ride went really well today - the sun shone on us! There was a raucous send-off from friends, family and neighbours and an equally rousing cheer on our return. We called in to see the fab staff at Barnet Hospital, who also turned-out to cheer us on. It was very emotional and very special. Thank you everyone who supported me with donations (now up to an amazing £8000) and encouraging messages.
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Gary Colet started crowdfunding
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Apr 25, 2021
Such an inspiration and what an amazing achievement. Best wishes, Suzanne and Henry
Sue Hackett
Apr 23, 2021
Just Amazing
Apr 19, 2021
Hi GaryHope the ride went well and you’re feeling good. Will be in touch shortly for a catch up. Dave
Apr 19, 2021
Rosemary Murphy
Apr 16, 2021
Happy to donate.Well done Gary you are inspiring.Stay well .Bless you for your effort.
Margaret Lorna Buckle
Apr 16, 2021
Gill O'Donnell
Apr 15, 2021
Amazing ..... Go for it!
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