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Grant Blackman and Garry Collins raised £130 from 4 supporters


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Closed 25/12/2017

raised of £1,673 target by 4 supporters

    Weʼve raised £130 to help us survive and get back on our feet. We are unable to get any support financially at all. No benefits, housing, food or anything.

    Falkirk, United Kingdom
    Funded on Monday, 25th December 2017

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    Unless we get some help Urgently our time on this earth will be limited, things have become dire. Not only are we fighting extreme poverty but discrimination, xenophobia,, hate, memories of Child abuse and severe health issues for Grant. The UK, Australian and Scottish Governments have all turned their backs on us, refusing any assistance and are leaving us for dead. Grant lives in pain and fear. We have twice now been offered help by companies but when they find out Grant is Australian they withdrew ALL offers od support. Grant already has extremely low self esteem ans blames himself.for everything so this almost destroyed him once and for all. As both our respective Governments have left us for dead we now call ourselves Stateless Persons.

    For two years now we have been fighting for survival but at each and every turn we are running into brick walls and as a result things are becoming worse by the day. In order to survive we have sold just about everything we have That is of worth. We have also tried begging for help, reaching out to the Government and Local Charities but to no avail. On top of this we have sent letters to various companies asking for help and or donations, but as we are not a registered charity we have not been able to secure any support whatsoever. There is simply not a single charity or grant available to us as middle aged men or our circumstances, not one we are aware of and we have spent days searching the Internet.

    The money we are trying to raise is to help us get back on our feet, buy food, essential items, rent, debts, gas and electricity. We really do want to get back on our feet but need help to achieve this.

    our story is that, Im Garry am Scottish and my partner of 29 years, Grant is Australian. We were living in Australia but do to discriminatory laws we were unable to marry. So when Scotland announced it was allowing same sex marriages we moved back to my country of birth, Scotland. Grant is on a five year Ancestry Visa as his Grandparents were born In Scotland and England. The problem with this is he is not entitled to access public funds unlike EU citizens. What makes the whole thing strange is that whilst he can't get assistance he is able to vote and / or run for Parliament.

    when we moved we have more than sufficient funds to support us whilst we searched for employment, however shortly after moving, disaster struck and Grant was found to have shadowing in his brain. Many tests have been conducted but they are still unable to give a difinative diagnosis. In saying that the consensus is that it is a disease called Fahrs, the problem is though there isn't really any real tests for this disease, nor is there any sort of cure. All they can do is treat the symptoms, the biggest problem for Grant is pain, so he is currently on very heavy doses of pain medication. This along with the disease itself does have a major impact on his motor functions. Whilst we strongly believe Grant can work we have found it near impossible to get an employer to understand this. Clearly Grant won't be able to go back to a management role, but he could easily do others customer facing jobs on a part-time basis. One of the problems is though trying to find someone who will understand this and appreciate why he is looking for a position lower than his experience.

    this has Resulted in Grant having zero income as he can't get benefits or any other assistance whatsoever. Whilst I am working full-time I have not been able to secure a position that allows me to support us both. Even with my current job, I am away from home up to 12 hours per day, leaving Grant alone and isolated. I need a job closer to home, Falkirk. Prior to moving to the UK Grant was the major bread winner. as mentioned to survive to now we have had to sell everything of worth. Now whilst I am a UK Citizen my rights have basically been taken away simply because Grant, an Australian, is my partner. The law in the UK does not care that we have been together 29 years, that his family were born in the UK or that he is a commonwealth national. Only EU Citizens can get any assistance in the UK and those who are UK Citizens but are living with a non UK / EU citizen have their rights taken away.

    Recently we were also forced to move from Musselburgh to Falkirk in an attempt to reduce our expenditure. As we could not afford to pay someone to assist us move we were forced to do it ourselves which was a nightmare, partially due to Grants health an partially due to the weather on the day. Not only was all our food destroyed but so was some furniture and a large majority of our clothing.

    We have sort help from Citizens Advice, the Council, our MSP ans our GP. All of whom have said they can not assist and agree things aren't looking good for us. Not one has been able to even recommend anything or anyone we can turn to. The only advise we can get is to remain positive or do as per Citizens Advice recommended and that was to commit fraud. Naturally we have zero intention of breaking the law.

    Although the least of our problems, we still haven't even been able to marry and fulful our 29 year dream. But this really is the least of our problems currently but we are hoping the minute we can get back on our feet we can make this dream come true.

    we are both also suffering tremendously from serious mental health issues as a result of everything that has happened including but not limited to Grants health and losing our whole life saving to move back to Scotland and still not be married.

    we are desperate to raise funds as it really is our only chance of surviving. We do not know or can't get any advise on where else we can turn. The biggest issue we are facing is we have zero family or friends to help us and no social media contacts. We know without this are chances are basically zero of getting help, but we are doing all we can to survive.

    on top of this due to Grant not being able to cope, he is seriously at risk of being deported From the UK. If thismhaolenesmi will nah be able to return to Australia with him and our lives together will be over. This would totally destroy us both. After 29 years together we are not only a couple but best friends and in all honesty be it here or in Australia we don't have anyone to turn to so we both would be alone. I do have family here in Scotland but apart from two we really have nobody and Grants family in Australia basically have all turned on him because he is gay. We can honestly say we would not survive long being apart from each other. The other issue Grant would face is that should he be forced to return to Australia he again wouldn't receive any assistance as he has been out of the country for over two years,l he would be ho and without any means of support be it housing, benefits or anything. Either way Grants life is at serious risk if we cant get help as is mine.

    we desperately need the following if we are to survive

    - Food

    - Rent

    - Council Tax

    - Gas and Electricity

    - Phone and Internet

    - Underwear

    - Shoes

    - Carpet as the carpets in this property are infested with cat urine from pervious tenant and landlord won't replace.

    This list and the amount being asked for does not include our debts which would be an additional £3000 or other items we require but will at least go a long way to ensuring we are able to survive and remain together. Obviously our ultimate goal would be to be able to fulfil our 29 year dream of marrying. We also need to ensure this happens prior to 2020 when Grants Ancestry Visa ends.

    We are seriously at our wits end and don't know what to do. The UK Govrenemnt is refusing to help and now so is the Australian Government. Even the Salvation Army are ignoring are cries for help. We really do want to survive but at the moment we have absolutely no way of doing so. Even Facebook have locked the account for some reason yet it only discusses exactly what is one here. We seriously don't know what to do.

    Thank you so much for reading our story and any donations or help would be very much appreciated.



    • Grant Blackman and Garry Collins7 years ago
      Grant Blackman and Garry Collins

      Grant Blackman and Garry Collins

      7 years ago

      Well thats how Grant describes it. I agree but rather than the skull changing shape i think its pressure umder the skull as its in the same or close to his pain areas, which has increased. Getting him to back to thr Drs / Neurologly is proving to be a hard as he is convinced, not without reason, that he is still unwelcome here and if he gets help the Country will hate him further. I agree but only to the level of all froms of Government and some people, not most. Irrelevant as its how he feels he has been treated by aĺl bar the five mentioned.

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    • Grant Blackman and Garry Collins7 years ago
      Grant Blackman and Garry Collins

      Grant Blackman and Garry Collins

      7 years ago

      We have tried so hard and despite so many working against us, we have with the help of four wonderful people and TK Maxx have been able to reduce the amount needed by over £1000. We would love to be able to say it will ensure we survive but it wont. We are still a long way short of what we need. Its also becoming more imperative I, Garry, get a job closer to home. Grants health isnt doing too good at all. Psychologically he still blames himself.and physically his brain disease is getting worse, his skuĺl appears to be changing shspe. Cont...

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Grant Blackman and Garry Collins7 years ago
      Grant Blackman and Garry Collins

      Grant Blackman and Garry Collins

      7 years ago

      We are extremely appreciate of the help we have received from 4 angels, but we are failing in our bid to survive and if a miracle doesnt happen soon our fight will amount to nothing. Every day things become more and more dire our health is deteriorating (mentally & physically), our situation becomes worse, the amount we need to survive increases and our chances of survival lessen. Really dont know how to emphisis thst we can get zero government assistance and do date every charity has turned us away. We have been ignored by our governments

      Share this update to help us raise more

    7 years ago

    Grant Blackman and Garry Collins started crowdfunding

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    Page last updated on: 11/29/2017 16.12



    • Helen Robinson

      Helen Robinson

      Nov 16, 2017

      I so hope things begin to change for you very soon. It must feel so horrible to be in such a dark place. My thoughts are with you both

    • Elena Remigi

      Elena Remigi

      Nov 16, 2017

      I hope you can reach your target soon. These immigration laws are dehumanising. Wish you all the best and a peaceful Christmas.


    • Carole Convers

      Carole Convers

      Nov 16, 2017

    • Veronique & Miles Martin

      Veronique & Miles Martin

      Nov 16, 2017

      Dear Gary & Grant, wishing you luck at last. May this crowdfunding help you get out of the dark abyss. I'm a EU citizen in the UK, discovering since last year the horror & inhumanity of UK immigration


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    About the fundraiser
    Grant Blackman and Garry Collins

    Grant Blackman and Garry Collins

    Falkirk, United Kingdom

    We have been together for 29 years & our dream was to move back to Garry's Country of birth, Scotland to marry as it isn't legal in Australia. Since coming back, things haven't been good, we still aren't married, have lost everything and Grants health has taken a serious turn.

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