We did it!
Gareth Brown raised £5,515 from 141 supporters
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Closed 03/08/2017
Iʼve raised £5,515 to raise funds for Furness General Hospital Oncology Day Unit in memory of Gareth Brown.
- Funded on Thursday, 3rd August 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
We're raising money in memory of Gareth Brown for somewhere that was very special to him - FGH Oncology Day Unit.
- 8 years ago
Gareth Brown
8 years agoAs a family we just want to say how truly overwhelmed we are by all the donations so far. We can't believe it and it just goes to show what an amazing, inspirational person he was. We are very proud and know he would be to have raised so much for somewhere that became very close to his heart. Thank you so much!
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Gareth Brown started crowdfunding
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Natasha Kewley
Aug 2, 2017
Sending my love 💗💗💗
Aug 1, 2017
Kerry Vickers
Aug 1, 2017
With Love, Hugs and Kisses x
Carrie Boys
Aug 1, 2017
Alison, Martin & Girls xxx
Jul 31, 2017
An amazing family, so united. Sending you all lots of love ♥ xxx
The O'Flynn Family
Jul 31, 2017
We will meet the new target. Thinking of you sll
Amy Laird
Jul 31, 2017
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