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gail iredale raised £72,122.5 from 2641 supporters


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Closed 01/06/2024

raised of £69,999 target by 2641 supporters

    Iʼve raised £72,122 to save Hannah's Life with the DC-Vax which is not available on the NHS Please share/Donate/Send Love x

    Funded on Saturday, 1st June 2024

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Our Wonderful, funny, Life and soul of the Party, Hannah has Glioblastoma Brain Cancer (GBM4) We are fundraising for the treatment DC-VAX, which is not yet available on the NHS

    Hannah was only 19 yrs old in September 2022 when The QMC gave us the awful news that the tumour they removed was indeed GBM4 a highly aggressive brain cancer They gave us 15 months with her.

    There are treatments available which are not funded by the NHS and are sadly ridiculous amounts of money...DC Vax-L is sadly £250,000-£300,000 but after the fight she has shown in the last year, We have to fight now for her!

    Hannah has taken everything in her stride they have thrown at her, all with awful side effects, Brain surgery, Palliative radiotherapy which fuzzed her brain up, hair loss, Palliative chemo that made her so sick. They gave her steroids that gave her Cushings' disease, which is awful in itself.Then the 3 hour seizures started only coming out of them for 10 mins at a time and aching like she'd been running marathon after marathon

    Please help, donate a little of what you can afford if you can, share the fundraiser, put up a poster, hold a coffee/cake morning at work. Please help before it's too late... She is far too precious to ignore x

    Love from us all. #help for hannah



    • gail iredale1 year ago
      gail iredale

      gail iredale

      1 year ago

      We'd Like to Thank you all for your amazing care and Generosity.. As a result the total amount raised is £189, 519 this morning.. £51,000 of this came from Just giving and the rest came from live events and raffles. We are still working towards the £250,000 mark and just need to raise another £60k seems so far away still but we're still going... tired but still working for Hannas future x With your help, we will achieve this and Give Hannah the Hope she needs x Thank You All!!!!

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • gail iredale2 years ago
      gail iredale

      gail iredale

      2 years ago

      I'm in a place I feel able to give you all an update.. These past few weeks have been particularly tough after Hannah's Palliative Chemotherapy ended... It is comparable to riding down a very steep hill with no brakes... Terrifying... Hannah Has a scan Next week to see how things are going... what we do with that information, I don't know... She's pretty much had everything the UK can provide thrown at her and she's taken it.. Like a FURY FIGHTER! We currently stand at £163,490.00 inc the Just giving amount... we still need to get to £250k

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • gail iredale2 years ago
      gail iredale

      gail iredale

      2 years ago

      HANNAH IS HOME! She's had sleepovers with her big sister meg.. lots of company and now feeling a little better. Being home is definitely better though Hannah sends her thanks to everyone donating and fundraising and sending love and wishes to her, it is greatly appreciated! After our visit to Harley street, 2 weeks ago, we are more optimistic than ever now we know the tumour has been stored in the required conditions to be able to make the Dc-Vax. Now we just need to find the energy to keep digging deep to keep fundraising around her care

      Update from the Page owner

      Share this update to help us raise more

    2 years ago

    gail iredale started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 4/8/2024 23.48



    • Dianne


      Apr 8, 2024

      Sending lots of love and Prayers


    • Chelsea Durose

      Chelsea Durose

      Mar 30, 2024

      So lovely to talk with you today Gail at your event in Willington. Sending you so much love and hope on this journey 💖


    • Debbie


      Mar 17, 2024

      Thinking of you Hannah xx


    • Anonymous


      Mar 16, 2024

      Thinking of you


    • Amber


      Mar 5, 2024

      It's not alot, you story touched my heart. I have two small boys 6 and 4 they both love cars and tools and even tho financially time is hard nothing is as hard as what your daughter is going through!

    • Lynn Mason

      Lynn Mason

      Mar 4, 2024

      Sorry it's all a could give. You fight and fight hard, don't let it beat you.

    • Lynne


      Mar 3, 2024

      Keep up the good work. You can do it. Brave girl. Lovely mum ❤️❤️


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    About the fundraiser
    gail iredale

    gail iredale


    Hannah Roberts from willington in derby, former pupil of willington school, Egginton school, John Port, JCB Academy and apprentice welder at JCB. was diagnosed with a brain tumour July 17th 2022 Glioblastoma grade 4 terminal brain cancer.

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