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danielle coller raised £10,931.6 from 121 supporters
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Closed 13/01/2021
Iʼve raised £10,931 to In Loving Memory of Gabriel Rusu
- Funded on Wednesday, 13th January 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
It is with great sadness that Gabriel Rusu passed away on the weekend surrounded by his family.
Gabriel suffered a fatal heart attack on site last week, aged only 25. He has worked with BDL for over 4 years and was a highly skilled, passionate and hard working young man and someone who could always be counted on by his peers.
A message from his manager - "Gabriel Rusu joined BDL and my small team back in 2016. His first project being a seventeen story tower for Barratts in Wembley. On that first job he formed friendships with people who helped him hone his skills. Since then working on many large projects around London. Projects such as Vista, London Dock, Upton Gardens, Elephant Park and More recently Finsbury Tower. Gabriel was the sort of person I was proud to say worked in my team. Earlier this year he was the first to react when two operatives working for another subcontractor were badly injured in a fall from height. He rallied others to help lift a heavy object saving one man whilst pulling another to safety. A true hero. We will miss you Gabi"
Our thoughts are with Gabriel's family and friends at this devastating time.
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danielle coller started crowdfunding
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BDL Group
Jan 12, 2021
Our deepest thoughts are with Gabriel's family and friends. Much love from All at BDL xx
Dec 25, 2020
40 Leadenhall Team
Dec 22, 2020
Deepest sympathies
Dec 21, 2020
RIP Gabi
Dec 16, 2020
Thoughts are with Gabriel's family.
Dec 16, 2020
Dec 16, 2020
deepest sympathy.
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