We did it!
vincent Heselwood raised £785.37 from 35 supporters
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Closed 23/02/2021
Iʼve raised £785 to Provide protective masks, sanitiser and food for rural communities in the Southern Province of Zambia.
- Funded on Tuesday, 23rd February 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
One of the communities we used to work with in Zambia have been in touch to say that they are really struggling to pay for masks, sanitiser, soap and even food for the school kids. I know everybody is having a hard time right now, but since nobody is going to be trick or treating this year (booo!) we thought a few folks might want to use the money they would have spent, to ‘treat’ these people to things that should just be basics.
But we’re not asking you to do this for nothing…
Make a donation and get a free collection of prize winning horror stories written by my friend Eleanor Sciolistein just in time for Halloween.
Go to this link FREE HORROR STORIES to download free collection of five horror stories by Eleanor Sciolistein that will scare the bejeezus out of you. Then, when you've recovered (or sooner) leave us a small donation to pay for them, this can be as big or as small as you like (obviously the bigger the better) and every single penny raised will go towards getting those essentials to the people who really need them.
Or if you’re feeling generous but don’t like scary stories you can skip the stories and go straight to the donation part. Maybe make a big donation and get scared by your next bank statement instead...
Thanks for your help and Happy Halloween!
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vincent Heselwood started crowdfunding
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Belanger Books
Nov 18, 2020
On behalf of Elizabeth Sciolistein.
Nov 1, 2020
Oct 31, 2020
Oct 31, 2020
Oct 31, 2020
I missed the stories!!! but I'll remember to donate lol
Oct 31, 2020
Great idea Vincent & Sasha :) Hope you’re both well S n P (Pixies in the Cellar) x
Oct 30, 2020
Thinking of our friends in Zambia!
What is crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
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