We did it!
Lucy Gale raised £570 from 22 supporters
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Closed 31/10/2020
Iʼve raised £570 to To create a Garden area with water feature and seating for the children of Frampton Cotterell CofE Primary School
- Frampton Cotterell, Bristol
- Funded on Saturday, 31st October 2020
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Frampton Cotterell CofE is a primary school in the heart of Frampton Cotterell village. We are a growing school with an October 2017 census of 291 students to the May 2020 census of 314, providing education for children aged 4-11. Our Christian ethos is centred upon the key principles of valuing all members of the community equally, treating all children with respect, educating the whole person, contributing to the future development of mature adults, encouraging interdependence and a sense of community.
We believe that we can ‘become the best we can through faith, friendship and participation’.
We have a very active group of parents (Friends of Frampton Primary) that raise funds for us throughout the year. We are very fortunate to have these dedicated parents and, in these times of austerity, have provided much needed funds for our school. However, with the global COVID pandemic that has hit the world, this years fundraising efforts have been difficult to achieve.
Project - We would like to revamp outside space to provide a newly planted Peace Garden and Outside Seating.
We are all aware of the health benefits of being outdoors, it can reduce stress and anxiety, reduces feelings of depression, boosts self-esteem and promotes psychological well-being. Having a beautiful Peace Garden, full of interesting planting will create a safe place for the children and staff to enjoy and having a seating area in the playground will provide a place to sit and eat and socialise with friends, will be an enormous benefit to the school and all that uses it.
With COVID it has been more apparent that having somewhere beautiful outside to sit and reflect is a much needed commodity.
Costings - We are looking to raise £2,500 to create these spaces. The money will be spent on - New beautiful planting, Water Feature and Outside Seating.
Summary - We are a popular, successful school who always want to give their pupils the best opportunities in life. Currently, our outdoor facilities are not ‘fit for purpose’ and, as a result, our children are suffering. This small project will have a massive impact on health and wellbeing of all users.
- 5 years ago
Lucy Gale
5 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 5 years ago
Lucy Gale
5 years agoThank you to everyone that has donated 😁
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Lucy Gale started crowdfunding
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Aug 14, 2020
Great idea.
Jul 31, 2020
Jul 28, 2020
Jul 28, 2020
Lovely idea! Good luck from Alaina and Aria xx
Jul 28, 2020
Good local cause
Jul 28, 2020
Deb Bowers
Jul 28, 2020
From Jasper Bowers - very excited about going into class 4!
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Lucy Gale
Frampton Cotterell, Bristol
I am the School Business Manager for Frampton Cotterell CofE Primary School. We are raising money to create a beautiful Peace Garden for our children to relax and enjoy nature.