We did it!
Eleanor de Spretter raised £805 from 55 supporters
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Closed 01/06/2020
Iʼve raised £805 to The Love of Scrubs: to buy fabric to make scrubs for Liverpool Women's and Alder Hey Hospitals
- Funded on Monday, 1st June 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Our NHS needs you!
Myself and co-coordinator, Helen Houghton-Foster, have volunteered to organise a "For The Love of Scrubs" initiative for Liverpool Women's and Alder Hey Hospitals (scrub making is being coordinated by different people for different hospitals).
UK hospitals are facing PPE shortages including scrubs, hats and wash bags.
"For The Love of Scrubs" was started by a nurse in the Midlands with the aim of raising £500 to buy fabric for volunteers to sew into PPE for NHS workers. Since it's beginning the movement has snowballed, 27,000 people across the UK are ready to sew!
Thanks to those of you who have already generously donated to our cause. We have reached our original target and this money has been used to buy poly cotton that our volunteer sewers will make into around 70 sets of scrubs for NHS workers. We are so grateful to each and every one of you for your support.
Having been overwhelmed with volunteer sewers in our first week, we have the capacity to make more sets of scrubs that we ever anticipated. We are hoping to raise even more money for poly cotton fabric to make this possible.
Any money that has not been spent at the end of the project will be divided equally between Liverpool Women's Hospital and Alder Hey Children's Hospital charity trusts.
Thank you to Ashleigh and George who started ‘FOR THE LOVE OF SCRUBS’ and those people who have volunteered to sew!
Thanks again for your support,
- 5 years ago
Eleanor de Spretter
5 years agoThank you all so much for your generous donations. With your support we have already ordered and allocated materials to make 20 sets of scrubs, with sufficient funds for another 50 sets! We will continue to collect donations until we have as much fabric as our sewers can cope with. Thank you again for your kind and generous support!
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Eleanor de Spretter started crowdfunding
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May 11, 2020
Thank you for all you’re doing - as a thirty something premature baby who had to go to Alder Hey many years ago, the ladies and the babies need this right now! I can’t see but I’ll share this page x
Vicky Folksman
Apr 30, 2020
Brilliant job ladies. You make us very proud.
Apr 30, 2020
owen childs
Apr 30, 2020
Zara Parkinson
Apr 28, 2020
Amazing work xxx
Paul Taylor
Apr 28, 2020
Lisa Lewis
Apr 28, 2020
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