We did it!
Forest Garden Shovelstrode raised £495 from 8 supporters
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Closed 01/09/2022
Iʼve raised £495 to help replant our beautiful woodland following the devastating impact of Chalara ash dieback disease.
- Ashurstwood, East Sussex
- Funded on Thursday, 1st September 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
We are re-starting this campaign (delayed due to COVID) to raise £3000 to help replant our woodland at Forest Garden Shovelstrode, following the devastation caused by Chalara ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus).
Our woodland is an old ash coppice that historically was used to provide charcoal for the thriving local iron industry. The woodland was left unmanaged for many years, and after clearing all the fallen trees left from the storm of 1987, Forest Garden Shovelstrode opened its doors to guests in 2011.

We first noticed the early signs of the disease in 2013 and have been monitoring the woodland closely ever since. But in 2019 the Forestry Commission confirmed that our ash trees were infected with Chalara, and in the interests of public safety, we were advised to start removing the trees.

Ash dieback is a fast spreading fungus which affects the tree’s ability to draw nutrients into its upper branches. It starts with dieback of the crown and eventually kills the tree. It is now present all across the UK and it is expected that the majority of ash trees will decline and die over the next 10 - 15 years.

Our trees were becoming brittle and dangerous, and so work to remove them started in January and was completed in October 2020. The ash trees were carefully felled, in order to preserve as much of the remaining trees and understory as possible. The increased light that has been created will encourage much natural regeneration from the existing seed bank.

We were heartbroken at seeing these magnificent trees go. Lisa used to ride her pony through the woods as a child. The impact on us has been devastating, but we now have to look forwards to creating a beautiful and more resilient woodland for generations to come.

We have used a business loan to cover the large costs for the forestry work, and the initial phase of replanting more than 300 trees. And we now asking for your help to raise the additional £3000 we need to complete our program to restore our beloved woodland.

Your donation of any amount will go towards the purchase of more trees. £5 will pay for a small sapling + shelter, or £50 will buy a standard tree and helping create a layered canopy. Or a large donation of £150 will help buy a beautiful specimen tree. We will then send you a photograph of the tree(s) you have sponsored, which you can come and visit at any time to see its progress!

Many thanks to the sponsors who donated last year!
We still have many more trees to plant, and we would be grateful for any support you can give us.
Thank you for taking time to look at our Just Giving page.
Charles & Lisa
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now". Chinese Proverb.


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Forest Garden Shovelstrode started crowdfunding
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Charlotte K
Jun 5, 2022
Willow & scruff books
Aug 16, 2021
We love you forest garden! Keep up the magic! Sara Davis smith x
Apr 9, 2021
the work you are doing is so VERY special. Thank you
Feb 9, 2021
For a baby sapling x
Feb 9, 2021
You got this guys! Hopefully a new Forest Garden will emerge from your old ashes :-) Love you two and miss you. x
Feb 8, 2021
Great vision for the future. Am passing this on to as many as possible.
Dick and Tini
Feb 7, 2021
We need trees and we’re both devastated you lost so many of yours.Much love xxxx
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Forest Garden Shovelstrode
Ashurstwood, East Sussex
We are passionate about the environment, exploring different ways of lowering our carbon footprint and living more sustainably. Forest Garden Shovelstrode was created in 2010 as an eco-retreat offering secluded Yurt and Log Cabin accommodation, and a range woodland craft courses.