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fiona abbott raised £75 from 4 supporters
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Closed 16/05/2016
- Okehampton, United Kingdom
- Funded on Monday, 16th May 2016
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Have you heard of Edwards syndrome, my grandson Jakub was born 29/02/16 with this condition, which meant he wasn't compatible with life, he had already faced an incredible battle to be born, he was only one in 6000, 80% are girls, Jakub was in the 20%, most of them are miscarried or stillborn
Statement from my daughter : Jakub Noah Sokolowski.as sum may no our beautiful boy was born with a rare condition called Edwards syndrome, which means his life would be very short. As soon as he was born he was admitted straight to the special baby unit where he was taken great care of and given the chance to survive and fight for his life as most baby's with this condition are miscarried or stillborn, the nurses and doctors have been amazing they worked so hard in getting Everything in place so that we could take Jakub home with us for his final days and i am so grateful for that. This is really hard for me to write but I want people to no he was here he was a very special baby and touched many hearts. I feel very privileged to be his mummy and proud of his fight for life. No comments please just likes for acknowledgement. R.I.P little angel to good for this world. Xxxx.
Kirsty also lost her father on the 29th February, she has been so courageous . Jakub died on sister Olivia's 4th birthday, 25th march 2016
We are thankful to all the NHS staff for all the care, for teaching them how to resuscitate him, and the fact he had two weeks at home with them,so beautiful, rip little trooper, flying with the angels.
I want to help out Kirsty , Przemyslaw and Olivia, raise enough money for them to have a holiday away and get themselves back on their feet. neither of them are capable of that at the moment.
Please donate whatever you can 50p £1 anything, what with the time off work, rushing backwards and forwards to the hospital, my daughter ill, and now her partner, off work for 6 weeks, they need every bit of help and support thank you x
9 years ago
fiona abbott
9 years agoWould like to thank everyone, who donated, this will give them a great day out so thank you x
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9 years ago
fiona abbott
9 years agoWe have raised £75 in 12 days, but we still have 17 days to make our target. and paydays coming up, so please make a small donation, just want to get them away for a holiday, they are stuck in the house, where he passed away, Kirsty said they just wants to get away
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9 years ago
fiona abbott
9 years agoPlease share, I don't know if I am doing anything wrong, but this has been live for 5 days, and we have only just got our first donation. if you know anyone in the celeb department, please get them to share , thank you x
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fiona abbott started crowdfunding
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Apr 27, 2016
Hope this helps a little and that things look up for you in your difficult times.With Love and Best Wishes fromCharlotte, Juliette and Russell
Apr 20, 2016
Apr 20, 2016
Apr 20, 2016
This is from Claire Vanagen, thank you so much means a lot xxxx
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fiona abbott
Okehampton, United Kingdom
Edwards' syndrome, is a serious genetic condition caused by an additional copy of chromosome They have low birth weight, with serious medical problems.those that survive to birth, around half will die in 2 weeks and only around 1 in every 5 will live at least 3 months.