We did it!
Stephen Robbins raised £161 from 16 supporters
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Closed 22/08/2018
Iʼve raised £161 to Save Old Smithfield car park
- Funded on Wednesday, 22nd August 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
Bridgnorth Chamber of Commerce is fighting to stop developers building on the town centre Old Smithfield car park. We desperately need car parking in our town and we need the financial support of residents to help us.
Bridgnorth won the Great British High Street award in 2016 and is a classic example of a traditional market town which has kept its character with its wonderful range of independent traders and Saturday market attracting shoppers in from surrounding towns.
Shropshire Council approved an application to build 5 retail units which will result in the loss of 145 parking spaces, despite overwhelming objections by the people of the town. The Secretary of State stepped in and has taken the power to make this decision away from Shropshire Council.
Following a Public Inquiry, a decision is now expected in May.
We desperately need your help to cover our legal costs, please give generously to help the Chamber fight for our town.
Updates appear here
Stephen Robbins started crowdfunding
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Jun 11, 2018
Apr 15, 2018
Well done Chamber of Commerce, we support you.
Mar 15, 2018
I support you and your fellows who support the local community, unlike Shropshire Council which PUNISHES communities who DARE to disagree with their actions AGAINST local communities.
Mar 15, 2018
Mar 10, 2018
The car park is too valuable a commodity to lose.
Mar 9, 2018
Good work Chamber
Feb 24, 2018
As per my FB comment.
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