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Fight4Aylesbury raised £3,414 from 125 supporters
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Closed 12/06/2023
Iʼve raised £3,414 to create an exhibition celebrating housing struggles on Aylesbury Estate (London)
- London
- Funded on Monday, 12th June 2023
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The Aylesbury Estate in South London is one of the many housing estates in London and in the UK that is being demolished and its residents displaced in the process.
We are a group of residents and supporters who have been fighting against the privatisation and demolition of the Aylesbury and all social housing, and we need help turning the flat of one of us, a tenant on Aylesbury, into an exhibition about housing struggles on the Aylesbury Estate from 1999 to the present.
Our aim is to celebrate the rich history of organising on the estate, to inspire others with their own housing struggles, to learn from each other, and to give everyone a chance to visit a beautiful flat on Aylesbury. It's our own version of open house, with politics included.
The exhibition will be open to the public. The whole flat, located on a high floor of one of the Aylesbury big blocks that are still standing, will be covered with images, cuttings, collages, posters, sound and video recordings, and objects relating to the history of organising on the estate. Every room will be themed: the themes include organizing, mental health, relationship with the Council, history, and squatting.
We have received support from the Raymond Williams Foundation and from Goldsmiths, but we need some more funds to make sure we can make photographic prints, to print a booklet, buy materials such as glues, wallpaper, lights and audio speakers. Any little support you might be able to give will go a long way.
- 2 years ago
2 years agoThe Fight4Aylesbury exhibition dates and times are now out! Feel free to share the poster here below. (A text version will be posted in a separate update here.)
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- 2 years ago
2 years agoThe exhibition dates are now confirmed: 14 - 23 April 2023!
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- 2 years ago
2 years agoWe’re now halfway there with our fundraisers and we are so grateful to all our supporters. We are also really busy behind the scenes with lots of editing, printing, mounting and building. We will be soon revealing the exact exhibition dates (sometimes in April). More soon!
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Fight4Aylesbury started crowdfunding
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May 25, 2023
May 19, 2023
May 18, 2023
I look forward to attending the exhibition.
Anna Boyle
May 12, 2023
Hi, so much thanks for the great work with helping your communities. Thanks for the invitation to see your work.
May 8, 2023
May 7, 2023
May 7, 2023
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