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Bridget Glaister raised £520 from 20 supporters
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Closed 13/02/2019
Iʼve raised £520 to support Greater Manchester Asbestos Victims Support Group
- Funded on Wednesday, 13th February 2019
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Greater Manchester Asbestos Victims Support Group help those diagnosed with mesothelioma and asbestos related diseases. Their support comes at a time when people have just heard the worst news and help continues with regular support meetings.
A team from Fieldfisher Solicitors want to raise funds to help and are committing to a sponsored walk to find the hidden ancient well on Pendle Hill.
- 6 years ago
Bridget Glaister
6 years agoPendle Hill summit, all to ourselves.
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- 6 years ago
Bridget Glaister
6 years agoWe didn't expect snowy conditions when 8 from Fieldfisher set off to ascend Pendle Hill. Near the summit we found the well drank from the silver challis hidden under the cover. A typical day draws crowds to this summit but with the arctic conditions we had it all to ourselves and a fantastic view was described! It was enjoyable to then slip slide our way down off the other side of Pendle Hill and into the Pendle Inn for well-deserved refreshment. Thanks to all those who have supported so far and there is still time to donate to the cause.
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Bridget Glaister started crowdfunding
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Peter Cowan
Jan 28, 2019
Peter Williams
Jan 28, 2019
well done Bridget and all!
Andrew Leonard
Jan 27, 2019
Well done Bridget! It looked chilly up there on the pictures...
Charlotte Macdonald
Jan 24, 2019
Good work Bridget :-)
Jan 23, 2019
Well done team. Fantastic cause, close to my heart.
Jan 22, 2019
Nice one, Natasha
Tony Morrissey
Jan 22, 2019
Congratulations on your walk up Pendle Hill is such challenging weather conditions. I hope you all enjoyed your hot chocolate afterwards which was well deserved
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