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Ferdinand Saumarez Smith raised £10,765 from 128 supporters
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Closed 18/09/2020
Iʼve raised £10,765 to support Brazil's indigenous Wauja community through the Corona virus crisis.
- Xingu Indigenous Territory
- Funded on Friday, 18th September 2020
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"The first time we heard about 'white people', or 'kajaipa' as we say in our language, was from our grandparents who told us about their fear. That's how we first learnt to think about you: about the death and disease you bring. Today, with Corona virus spreading through the world, we the Wauja people are afraid again. The Brazilian government has cut off vital channels of funding and medicine which keep our community going. And the transport we depended on to bring supplies is no longer allowed to reach us. This means that more and more of us are having to leave the Xingu Indigenous Territory, our home, to try and find those necessities in the city. We are scared about bringing back this new disease to our village and spreading it to the other fifteen indigenous ethnic groups of Xingu.
We desperately need your support to set up a system for essential items to be safely bought at the nearest (200km away) city of Canarana and transported to us without endangering the whole community. This means travelling by boat (a 7 hour journey), it means the person who collects must quarantine, and it means supporting the family of the quarantining person. All of this means money, and we are running out. Your help, no matter how small, will make a huge difference to preserving our community."
Awojopai [Thank you]
Akari Wauja, Singer, historian and representative of the Wauja people.
"A primeira vez que nós ouvimos falar sobre o “homem branco”, ou “kajaipa”, como dizemos em nossa língua, foi quando nossos avós nos contaram sobre o medo que tinham dele. Aprendemos a pensar em vocês desse jeito: como a face da doença e da morte que trouxeram para nós. Hoje, com o coronavírus se espalhando por todo o mundo, nós, o povo Wauja, estamos novamente com medo. O governo brasileiro cortou as principais fontes de financiamento e de apoio à saúde que ajudam a sustentar nossa comunidade. O transporte de que dependemos para conseguir trazer para as aldeias produtos de primeira necessidade não pode entrar no território indígena. Isso faz com que nós tenhamos de sair do Território Indígena do Xingu, onde habitamos, para buscar esses produtos na cidade. Temos medo de levar essa nova doença para a aldeia e de a espalhar por todos os povos do Xingu.
Precisamos muito de seu apoio para conseguir estruturar um sistema de fornecimento de produtos essenciais para nossas comunidades. Esses produtos serão adquiridos na cidade vizinha de Canarana (a cerca de 200 km de distância) e levados até às nossas comunidades, de forma segura, assegurando nosso bem-estar. Isto implica a realização de uma viagem de barco (de 7 horas), a quarentena da pessoa que buscará os produtos e o apoio à família dessa pessoa. Tudo isso custa dinheiro e estamos ficando sem recursos. Sua ajuda, não importa quão pequena, fará uma grande diferença na preservação de nossa comunidade.”
Awojopai [Obrigado]
Akari Waurá, cantor, historiador e representante do povo Wauja
I started working with the Wauja community on Factum Foundation's project to 3D-scan their most important sacred site, the cave of Kamukuwaká, which our team discovered tragically vandalised on arrival there in September 2018. After scanning it in its destroyed condition, we embarked on a project that used previous documentation and the collective memory of the Wauja to digitally reconstruct and then produce a 1:1 scale facsimile of the cave. Before the Corona virus crisis, we were working towards sending the facsimile back to Xingu, however, for the time being the preservation of the Wauja people has overtaken our longer term goals of cultural preservation.
Meu trabalho com a comunidade Wauja se iniciou com o projeto da Factum Foundation de escaneamento 3D da Gruta de Kamukuwaká, importante local sagrado para a cultura alto-xinguana. Quando chegamos à gruta em setembro de 2018, nossa equipe a encontrou severamente vandalizada. Após os trabalhos de escaneamento de seu estado atual de depredação, desenvolvemos, junto com as comunidades e com a ajuda de documentação prévia e da memória coletiva Wauja, um projeto de reconstituição digital da gruta destruída e sua reprodução em uma réplica (fac-símile) à escala real. Antes da crise do coronavírus, vínhamos trabalhando no retorno desta réplica ao Xingu. Face ao cenário atual, contribuir para a preservação do povo Wauja se tornou nosso objetivo principal, para além de nossos objetivos a longo prazo de contribuição para a preservação de sua cultura.
Ferdinand Saumarez Smith, Factum Foundation for Digital Technology in Conservation
For more details about the project, see: The Sacred Cave of Kamukuwaká
Factum Foundation for Digital Technology in Conservation is a not-for-profit organisation registered in Spain, but is unable to raise money for a project that is not directly related to its work in cultural heritage and conservation. Funds raised through this page will be transferred directly to our partners in Brazil, Mafalda Ramos, Patricia Rodrigues and Gabriele Garcia, pro-bono Wauja consultants who have worked with the community for the past six years.
A Factum Foundation for Digital Technology in Conservation é uma organização sem fins lucrativos com sede em Espanha, mas está impedida de angariar fundos para um projeto que não está diretamente relacionado com seu trabalho de conservação e patrimônio cultural. Os fundos angariados através desta página serão diretamente enviados para nossas parceiras no Brasil, Mafalda Ramos, Patrícia Rodrigues e Gabriele Garcia, consultoras pro-bono do povo Wauja que colaboram com a comunidade desde 2014.
This initiative has been set up with support from independent voluntary cultural workers Mafalda Ramos and Patricia Rodriguez, Thiago Jesus of People's Palace Projects (Queen Mary University, London), and composer and broadcaster Nathaniel Mann and Jason Whitaker of Antigen Records.
- 5 years ago
Ferdinand Saumarez Smith
5 years agoDear all, We have just reached our target of £10,000! So I wanted to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has donated to this page. The money is already making a huge difference: a supply chain has been set up to get medical equipment to the village, and we have just received the fantastic news that a building in Canarana has been lent to us for a quarantine centre. Donations will go towards setting it up. The situation is still evolving and support is still needed - so I've put up the target to £20,000. With thanks, Ferdinand
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- 5 years ago
Ferdinand Saumarez Smith
5 years agoDear all, I want to send my most heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to this campaign, which has reached a phenomenal £7K. The situation in Mato Grosso, Brazil, has now evolved significantly, with a nurse at the quarantine site in Canarana confirmed as a case, so we are moving directly from a prevention to a mitigation strategy. I will be transferring the funds to our Brazilian partners immediately, but leaving the page open for any further donations. Ferdinand Saumarez Smith
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Sep 9, 2020
Brian Palmer
Sep 9, 2020
Susan Marmot
Sep 9, 2020
Wishing your community well
lizzie Palmer
Sep 9, 2020
Hope this helps a bit a great cause
Sep 9, 2020
Amazing cause - devastating story
Sep 7, 2020
Susan Marmot
Sep 2, 2020
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Ferdinand Saumarez Smith
Xingu Indigenous Territory
I started working with the Wauja community on Factum Foundation's cultural heritage project to 3D-scan their most important sacred site, the cave of Kamukuwaká, which was tragically destroyed: https://www.factumfoundation.org/pag/1289/the-sacred-cave-of-kamukuwak%C3%83