We did it!
Jack White raised £385 from 14 supporters
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Closed 30/06/2017
Iʼve raised £385 to electrify Scout Huts in rural Peru.
- Funded on Friday, 30th June 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
In July, seven UK Scout Network members are travelling to Peru as part of their Explorer Belt Expedition.
Whilst we are there, we are going to be raising as much money as we can to benefit Scouting by electrifying Scout Huts in rural Peru with solar panels.
The solar panels will provide the Scout Huts, which are off the mains grid, with a reliable power source so that they can heat and light their Huts; but also provide other benefits, such as the ability to charge phones and thus communicate with the outside world.
This project is being ran in partnership with Scouts Del Peru (http://www.scout.org.pe) as part of WOSM's Scout Go Solar global initiative. Read more here:
Your support is greatly appreciated!
Jack White (Durham)
Dizzy Peverley (Durham)
Rob Hull (Humberside)
Dominic Kirk (South Yorkshire)
Will Freake (Essex)
Ella Boswell (Oxfordshire)
Joe Church (Oxfordshire)
Updates appear here
Jack White started crowdfunding
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No name
Jun 30, 2017
Good luck!
Jun 29, 2017
Jun 29, 2017
Robert Sidley
Jun 28, 2017
Good luck with your expedition!
Will Freake
Jun 28, 2017
Tracey Crapper
Jun 26, 2017
Good luck everyone from the Crapper family. (Friends of Dominic)
Eddie Ward
Jun 23, 2017
Good Luck!
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