We did it!
Evangeline Queenborough raised £740 from 24 supporters
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Closed 30/09/2018
Iʼve raised £740 to aid the on going care for patients at the royal derby hospital Heart failure unit and ward 408, in memory of my grandad Tony Chatwin.
- Derby, UK
- Funded on Sunday, 30th September 2018
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My mum and I will be doing a skydive in memory of our wonderful dad/ grandad Tony Chatwin, who after a long illness sadly passed away on the 9th of April.
We will be raising money for the Heart failure unit and ward 408 at the Royal Derby Hospital.
The care he received whilst being in hospital was outstanding and the drs and especially the nurses, went above and beyond the call of duty to make my grandads time there safe and comfortable.
We would like to thank them for their efforts and raise some money soo they can help someone else's grandad the way they tried to help mine.
Thanks a very greatful granddaughter x
- 7 years ago
Evangeline Queenborough
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Evangeline Queenborough started crowdfunding
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John & Marie
Sep 7, 2018
Well done
All at Sear Engineering Services Limited
Sep 6, 2018
Well Done Helen and Evie
Shawn Adams
Aug 11, 2018
Lots of love Nathaniel & Shawn x
Christine Doyle
Aug 10, 2018
Well done.
Ian Derbyshire on behalf of RRTC
Aug 8, 2018
Well done for completing the jump! This is a donation on behalf of Rolls-Royce Tennis Club. RRTC had the privilege of Tony's support as a player and Chairman over the years. Thank you.
John Lees
Aug 6, 2018
Fantastic Well done both of you
Hayley Clouston
Aug 5, 2018
Good luck tomorrow Evie. Enjoy the view! xx
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