We did it!
Ethan Dunbar raised £720 from 56 supporters
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Closed 06/06/2017
Iʼve raised £720 to Support the Mental Health Charity Heads Together and start people talking about each other's Mental Health. It can effect anyone.
- Leeds, United Kingdom
- Funded on Tuesday, 6th June 2017
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Personally, I'd never payed much attention to Mental Health in my life. I always had thought we've just got this super clever brain that can do anything and won't go wrong or break.
Last year at the end of September having had a great few months of new experiences, jobs and partying I reached my breaking point, I began to feel exhausted.
It all seemed so innocent at first, I was tired and wanted to stay in bed, didn't have much of an appetite and wasn't keen on socialising. However it gradually grew worse and worse and i found myself bed ridden and not being able to be my usual self. I was very anxious and was having a lot of panic attacks as i refused to leave my room for most of the time. At this point I decided to go home which was where the doctor told me I had had burnout/extreme exhaustion a short term mental health DISEASE. This was due to excessive overload of activity I had done over the last 4 months with little rest just trying to do too much. That was all it took. Over the next 4 months up till mid February I can honestly say i've never felt worse and to those who know me reading this you will know I am generally a happy, outgoing chap who loves to socialise. This was not the case, I could barely string a sentence together let alone talk to my friends and complete everyday activities like going to the shop. My mind was just racing. I was very very low at this point and had little hope left I was going to get better, it was horrible. Imagine just not being able to be yourself and having doubts 24/7 that you will ever get out of this hole.
Luckily for me thanks to the great support of my close friends and family who know who they are, I started to feel better. Luckily for me I only had a short term illness but many aren't as lucky. In aid of stopping the stigma for mental health I will be raising money by running for the charity Heads Together at the Leeds Half marathon. We all need to talk about this, one conversation is all it takes.
- 8 years ago
Ethan Dunbar
8 years agoWow so happy to have raised so much and reached the £700 target. Thanks to everyone who has donated so far so impressive. Still got a few weeks to go so any more donations would be greatly appreciated.
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- 8 years ago
Ethan Dunbar
8 years ago90% of the target completed ✅ wow such an amazing effort in just two days can't quite believe it! Well done
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- 8 years ago
Ethan Dunbar
8 years agoWow almost achieved our target in a day 😳👏🏻 Can't thank you guys for the donations enough! We've had to stretch the target to £300 now ☺️ And we've almost reached that too!
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Ethan Dunbar started crowdfunding
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Lynda Comerford
May 21, 2017
Well done, Ethan! A great achievement. Good luck in future marathon attempts and in your studies. Lynda and family.xx
annie rowan
May 16, 2017
Well done Ethan! Good on you for being courageous and speaking out, you are such an inspiration X
May 16, 2017
Better late than never I guess. Well done mate!
Kate Ryan
May 16, 2017
Well done Ethan, an inspirational story and a fantastic half marathon time to boot! Our very best wishes, Kate, John, Joe and Jen x
Faye Kendrick
May 16, 2017
Very very proud of you Ethan, keep it going 👊Xx
Rob Rattray
May 15, 2017
Well done mate.
sarah duncan
May 15, 2017
Very well done Ethan. It takes great strength to talk honestly about your journey, not to mention running a half marathon!!So glad to hear you have come out the other side. Take care xx
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