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Martin Hickman raised £3,920.73 from 296 supporters
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Closed 26/03/2017
Iʼve raised £3,920 to give MPs a copy of Badgered to Death before they debate ending the badger cull on 27th March.
- London, United Kingdom
- Funded on Sunday, 26th March 2017
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The new Environment Secretary, Andrea Leadsom, has indicated that she intends to extend the badger cull to new areas of England this autumn.
We want to stiffen political opposition to her plan by sending every MP a copy of Dominic Dyer’s book, Badgered to Death, before a parliamentary debate on the cull on 27th March 2017.
The debate was triggered by more than 100,000 people signing a government e-petition demanding the cull be ended. The petition was started by the naturalist Simon King. It warned: "Against scientific advice & before a four year trial has completed, the government is now expanding the cull to new counties – tens of thousands of healthy badgers could be killed."
The the badger cull was begun in 2013 in an attempt to reduce levels of bovine TB in cattle. Since then 15,000 badgers have been slaughtered. Yet none of the dead badgers has been tested for TB and nearly 7,000 have been killed by a free shooting method which is considered ineffective and inhumane by the government's independent expert panel and by the British Veterinary Association. So far the cull has cost the public £35 million.
In February, the London Zoological Society told the government “there is thus far no evidence of any disease control benefits.”
There is a way to fight back against this unscientific and cruel policy. A letter from Dominic Dyer putting the scientific and welfare case against the cull will accompany every book.
Costings per book
Badgered to Death (ISBN 9780993040757). The publisher will supply at half of £8.99 RRP (£4.49), plus £1 P&P, crowdfunding fees of 27p per book, and Visa charge of £17. Total of £5.93 per book x 650 MPs = £3,854
- 8 years ago
Martin Hickman
8 years agoThanks again for backing the appeal to send Dominic Dyer's book on the badger cull to MPs. As you may know, yesterday Westminster Hall debated the cull - when its wobbly science was given a good shaking by well-informed Parliamentarians. You can view the debate here: http://www.parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/94880530-c845-4ce1-99df-b464223f225e Not all MPs will read the books we sent them. But we can only do our best to give them the evidence. And yesterday showed that pressure is building. Thanks! Martin Hickman Canbury Press
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- 8 years ago
Martin Hickman
8 years agoNo further donations are necessary for this appeal (though they are welcome: they will go towards the cost of the books). Martin
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- 8 years ago
Martin Hickman
8 years agoAll packed: 450 copies of Dominic's book going to MPs tomorrow (Monday 13 March). 200 copies to follow shortly. Thanks everyone!
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- 8 years ago
Martin Hickman
8 years agoWe did it! Thanks everyone. That was fantastically generous and fast. It's particularly gratifying to see the large number of crowd-funders - 289. Right, time to get that letter sorted and the books off to MPs. I will keep you up to date with developments. Martin
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Martin Hickman started crowdfunding
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Nicky Lamb
Mar 12, 2017
Save our Brock the Badger! Great cause.
Mar 11, 2017
In memory of Clare Hammacott. MBx
Nina Prince
Mar 10, 2017
What a fantastic idea! Shame I didn't come across this before you hit your target but still donated little extra in case postage is more than you thought. Will share on social media as well. good job!
Joanne Sheekey
Mar 8, 2017
Abigail Rhodes
Mar 7, 2017
Michael Wallbank
Mar 7, 2017
Ruth Cecere
Mar 6, 2017
Badgers x
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Martin Hickman
London, United Kingdom
Martin Hickman is a journalist and publisher. He is founder of Canbury Press (www.canburypress.com), which publishes books on topical issues.