We did it!
Emma Mitchell raised £13,698.24 from 385 supporters
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Closed 24/10/2022
Iʼve raised £13,698 to help Lorraine and John have the wedding of their dreams and take their gorgeous family to Disneyland Paris.
- Funded on Monday, 24th October 2022
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We found out on the 15th September that our beautiful and special lady Lorraine Rigby had received the news that we all had been dreading. The cancer that was diagnosed a few weeks ago in her bowel and liver is now in her lymph nodes, which means it’s now unbeatable and she has moved from curative to palliative care.
We have set up this Just Giving Page with Lorraine’s blessing, after chatting to some of her close friends on how we can make a difference to the lives of her, John and their two gorgeous children Ellis 4 and Darcie 2.
Together we can help John make an honest woman of her by giving towards a wedding celebration that they would be looking to plan in the next few weeks. We would love for us all to come together and raise as much as we can towards Lorraine and John getting married in style!
In addition to the above any money raised would also help them make lasting memories with a family trip to Disneyland Paris.
Lorraine as you know has a huge heart and is always the first to help in anyway possible, whether this is always being there for work mates, being a good listener and an amazing friend. So we’d like to think we can do the same for Lorraine, John, Ellis and Darcie. Let’s show her how much we love her and what she means to us.
Thank you.
Emma & Sarah
- 2 years ago
Emma Mitchell
2 years ago£10,000 WOW! Thank you so much xxxxxx
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Oct 23, 2022
I hope you all recover fast, I know from personal experience this won't be easy.
Mike Kelly
Oct 22, 2022
Danielle Morris-Hughes
Oct 20, 2022
Jodie Lee
Oct 11, 2022
Thinking off you all, love from us all xx
Danielle and Steven Paterson
Oct 10, 2022
Thinking of you all, so very sorry to hear this news. Have a great wedding xx
Oct 10, 2022
Louise O’Brien
Oct 10, 2022
Thinking of you and sending love. Lou x
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