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Emma fullard raised £136,848.7 from 5220 supporters
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Closed 30/05/2017
Iʼve raised £136,848 to Freddie hunts proton treatment. we find ourselves hitting a nightmare with funds for his treatment doubling the cost to £450'000 please help
- Hampshire United Kingdom
- Funded on Tuesday, 30th May 2017
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As alot of you know we have been on a mission to raise as much as we can for little freddie Hunt for life saving treatment which can only be done in the USA . Abi and Dave Freddie's parents were hit with a bombshell last night 30th January with a bill for first stage of treatment of £340'000 that's way way over what they all thought it would be. Freddie and family are flying out to America tomorrow Wednesday 1st February with Freddie's first operation taking place on the 9th February. We are asking from our hearts that everyone can once again come together as a community and help as much as they can to let our little freddie be treated to save his life. This nightmare of a journey has now hit another level, one none of us thought would happen. We can't thank you all enough for all what you have all done so far but please please we need all your help more than ever now. Emma . Rambo Bonnie & Debbie xxxx
- 8 years ago
Emma fullard
8 years agoPlease everyone keep freddie in your thoughts and prayers as he under goes more text and MRI scans to try and find out why his so poorly still. Freddie has along way to go and we all need to keep helping and sharing Freddie's story. Life for Freddie and his family is very very tough right now with a lot of herdles keep been thrown at them. All your support is so appreciated. Thanks again xx
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- 8 years ago
Emma fullard
8 years agoThanks for all your continued support. Freddie has been taken back into hospital for more test as his very bloated with sickness. Once they have got this under control hopefully freddie and hopefully freddie and his family will be flying back home. Freddie has a long road to recovery and rehabilitation. Once freddie is well enough he will be going back out to USA for proton treatment. Right now his poor little body couldn't take anymore. He can't walk and has lost feeling and sight down left side of his body. Please keep sharing
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- 8 years ago
Emma fullard
8 years agoWe are lost for words we really are. Thank you just doesn't even cover it!!. You are all helping little Freddie out and all of us will make this happen. Here is the link to Freddie's page https://www.facebook.com/groups/1621558081203813/permalink/1798985500127736/
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Emma fullard started crowdfunding
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Olivia Smart
May 22, 2017
Daley Young
May 22, 2017
Good luck to you :-)
May 20, 2017
All the best
Rachael Cooper
May 15, 2017
Good luck & god bless xx
Jane Harding
May 15, 2017
Ian, Jo & Harry
May 13, 2017
Heard about Freddie from Danny at Hawley FC. Thinking of you all x
Sarah Eldridge
May 12, 2017
Good Luck from All at Crusader
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