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Emma Ambler raised £7,430 from 290 supporters
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Closed 31/12/2020
Iʼve raised £7,430 to buy a memorial bench in memory of my beautiful twin sister Kelly Fitzgibbons and my wonderful nieces Ava and Lexi.
- Birmingham
- Funded on Thursday, 31st December 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
My wonderful twin sister's life and those of her beautiful girls Ava (4) and Lexi (2) ended so tragically last weekend.
I'm still struggling with any words except to say Kel was so special and the hole she has left will never, ever be filled. I know this is the same for many, many people.
I want to try and do something positive in this very difficult time and over recent years Kelly had started walking more with her girls (she previously wasnt much of a walker!) and spent many days walking round both Emsworth Mill Pond and West Ashling pond (where we grew up). I know lots of people have been asking about donations so if people would like to give I would like to use that money to buy a memorial bench in memory of Kelly and the girls so people have a place to go and sit and remember all the wonderful memories they have.
As a family we have been overwhelmed by all the lovely messages we have recieved and they help so much.
Thank you! lots of love Emma x
- 5 years ago
Emma Ambler
5 years agoHi all, Just a quick update to let you know the first memorial bench is going to be in place by the weekend. The bench will be at the recreational ground (by the youth club), Old Bosham where Kel and i spent many happy years. If people arent sure and would like further details as to where that is please feel free to contact me. Thanks again for all of your very kind donations. Emma xx
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- 5 years ago
Emma Ambler
5 years agoBy way of an update I am currently speaking to Emsworth, Funtington and Bosham about the possibility of memorial benches.. This isn't appearing as easy as it first seemed & could be a long process as for the West Ashling site I need to apply for planning permission. However that won't stop me it just may take a little more time. Any remaining money will go towards the celebration of life memorial service as well as a donation to blood cancer UK (Leukaemia research) which is a charity Kel and I supported after loosing our mum to the condition.
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- 5 years ago
Emma Ambler
5 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Emma Ambler started crowdfunding
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Julia Hazell
Nov 8, 2020
Sending our love and condolences to you and your family. We didn’t know Kelly and the girls but know how special they were to you all. Julia, Martin, Emily & Chloe xx
Oct 13, 2020
Oct 13, 2020
Jun 26, 2020
Emma could you please contact me. I live in Gaddesby Road.
kat pope
Jun 2, 2020
Francesca Berry
May 16, 2020
You probably don't remember me but I went to school at Bourne with you & Kelly. Shocked to hear the news. Much love to you and your family. Francesca (nee Richards).
Rob Hall
May 4, 2020
Much love xx
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