We did it!
Ella Burbidge raised £3,050 from 116 supporters
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Closed 05/11/2023
Iʼve raised £3,050 to raise funds and awareness for ovarian cancer research & complementary therapies.
- Funded on Sunday, 5th November 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Hi, my name is Ella and my Mum was diagnosed with ovarian cancer earlier this year. Two weeks after her first chemotherapy session, she started losing her hair. Whilst she'd prefer to stay out of the limelight, I've decided to brave the shave, and the money raised from this will be used to provide complementary therapies for people living with cancer and ovarian cancer research. My hair will also be donated.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and your support (donations, big or small) would be appreciated by me, my mum and those on their own journey with cancer. And whilst Mum wants to continue quietly and bravely with her treatment, I'm happy to take her place in the spotlight!
If you cannot donate, please feel free to share this and help me reach my target!
- 1 year ago
Ella Burbidge
1 year agoThe deed is done!! 19 inches of hair going to the Princess Trust and £2,000+ raised that’s being donated to Together Against Cancer and Target Ovarian Cancer. Thank you so much to everyone that’s donated so far, we are all so grateful.
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Ella Burbidge started crowdfunding
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Donald & Beverley Dixon
Aug 19, 2023
Well done Ella xx
Rachael frearson
Aug 16, 2023
Well done Ella xx
Maria Tebbatt
Aug 16, 2023
Brave stunning young lady !!! Xxxx
Carolyn Driver
Aug 15, 2023
Well done Ella great job 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Love to you all xx
Aug 14, 2023
Amazing well done
Jon & Jacob
Aug 14, 2023
Keep up the good work supporting your mum and Family
Annie jones
Jul 31, 2023
Well done! Sending strength to you all. Xx
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